Category: News

Community Service Project and Training

A handover of a community service project entitled “Aquaponics- an urban aqua-farm” coupled with a capacity building training was held by Jimma University College of Natural Sciences. This Aquaponics project is a novel technology that adopts fish production whereby the nutrient-rich fish waste is fed to hydroponically-grown vegetables after passing through a biofilter system. The […]

JU hosts public lecture deliberating on pathways to a sustained post-conflict peace in Ethiopia

Jimma University has organized a public lecture on “Securing Ethiopia’s Future: Pathways to a sustained post-conflict peace “. The renowned professor of International Security, and widely published scholar on conflict, national security and security governance, Prof. Ann Fitz-Gerald, delivered the public lecture. The session began with a welcoming address of Dr Kenenisa Lemi, V/P for […]

Findings of two research projects were disseminated

Research findings dissemination workshop organized by Jimma University has been conducted at Jimma Central Hotel. On the workshop, findings of two research projects were disseminated to a variety of stakeholders. The first project is entitled as: ‘Implementation study on Effectiveness and Acceptability of Co-delivery of health Campaigns’ which run for more than a year. From […]

Hearty Congratulation to JU class of 2022

The second round graduation ceremony of 2022 (2014 EC) was held today at Hachalu Hundessa Civic Center. Amomg today’s 476 graduates, who are mostly from departments of nursing and midwifery, pharmacy, veterinary medicine and school of law, 4 were PhDs while 8 were medical specialities.

Space Science Training Kicked off

A Special Space Science Summer Training for talented high school students kicked off at Jimma University, College of Social Sciences and Humanities’ hall today. The objective is to train and nurture Jimma zone’s different secondary and high school selected students in Space Technology, Astronomy, and Aerospace Engineering fields. Mr. Jifar Raya, Chairman of the Jimma […]