JU currently employs 120 international faculty constituting 8 % of its academic staff members. They are mostly from India, Philippines, Cuba, Nigeria, Kenya, China, South Korea, Canada the USA and others. The university further aspires to attract world class teaching and research staff to add more global experiences in its teaching and research endeavors. The number of international students is close to 70 and most of them are full time degree seeking students at BSc, MSc and PHD level coming from South Sudan, Ghana, Rwanda, Benin, Nigeria, Namibia and others. Even though the number of international students is small compared to the aggregate number of Ethiopian students, the university is growing rapidly and the demand to attract more international students is rising over time as internationalization is emphasized as the pillar strategic direction of the university. The fact that all academic programs are taught in English is a huge advantage to promote internationalization, since language is not a barrier for communication among local and international faculty and students.