Welcome to College of Natural Sciences
The College of Natural Sciences is the recent name given to the former Faculty of Education with some basic re-organization in departmental composition and future direction as of July, 2009. The Faculty of Education used to train professional teachers in different fields of study (Afan Oromo, Amharic, Biology, Chemistry, English, History, Geography and Environmental Studies, Mathematics, Pedagogy, Physics and Sport Sciences) in regular, extension, and/or summer programs. As of July, 2009, however, the Faculty of Education was re-structured into Colleges of Natural Sciences and Social Sciences & Law. Currently, the College of Natural Sciences encompasses seven functional departments including the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, and Sport Sciences.
Science for Solving Community Problems!
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Protected: VACANCY: ክፍት የስራ ቦታ ማስታወቂያ
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Protected: Center of Excellence – BeD
Jimma University College of Natural Sciences was selected as a Center of Excellence…