Jimma University Community Oriented Radio
Jimma University in collaboration with the Netherland’s based Non-Governmental Organization named Media Action, has organized 102.0 FM radio station as part of its community service scheme.
The radio station is the first operational community radio station in the country. It has a variety of programs and a large number of listeners in Jimma town and the neighboring areas. The station as situated in the main campus of JU. It is administered by a board elected from the inhabitants of Jimma town. The station uses Afan Oromo and Amharic languages for transmission. Since inception, most expenses have been covered by JU.
The realization of Jimma Community radio has initiated the youth to actively participate in the programs. Besides, it serves the community as a platform to over its feeling, opinion and views. JU as a major stakeholder uses the station to disseminate its philosophy (CBE), to inform and to educate the community.
Currently, Ethiopian Broadcasting Agency(EBA)has come up with a new Communty Radio regulation that encourages Ethiopian Higher Learning Institutes to posses their own community radio, the experience gained from Jimma University. According to the regulation number 04/2004 ,a given University can choose one of the seven types of community radio stations. Jimma University, because of its philosophy of Community Based Education, has selected Community –Oriented Radio station which will be governed by the council of the University Community and surrounding inhabitants.