iABC follow up

State of the art infant fat and lean mass assessment with th Pea Pod TM and child blood pressure measurement.
State of the art infant fat and lean mass assessment with th Pea Pod TM and child blood pressure measurement.

Body Composition Measurement

DENVER test of cognitive and motoric development at the JUCAN body composition clinic.

iABC follow up

Welcome to JUCAN

Jimma University Clinical and Nutrition Research Center (JUCAN) was established in 2008 in collaboration between Jimma University and University of Copenhagen in the area of nutrition. JUCAN allowed a strong partnership between the two universities and helped JU to establish a state-of-the-art research facility on body composition and other nutritional assessments.


  • Foster nutrition and clinical research to contribute to the understanding of malnutrition, infectious diseases and chronic diseases of public health importance.
  • To contribute to the development and evaluation of new and improved methods and tools for the prevention, treatment and control of malnutrition and important infectious diseases.
  • Provide long and short term training opportunity for young Ethiopians to produce future independent researchers.


Provide leadership in generating scientific evidence for setting policies related to improved control of malnutrition, infectious diseases and chronic diseases in Jimma and Ethiopia

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Reflection on JUCAN’s evolution and future direction, 03 February 2022

February 9, 2022

Reflection on JUCAN’s evolution and future direction, 03 February 2022 A flashback has…

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