Research findings dissemination workshop organized by Jimma University has been conducted at Jimma Central Hotel. On the workshop, findings of two research projects were disseminated to a variety of stakeholders. The first project is entitled as: ‘Implementation study on Effectiveness and Acceptability of Co-delivery of health Campaigns’ which run for more than a year. From this project, positive outcomes and promising practices were identified on co-delivering mass drug administrations for the treatment of Onchocerciasis and Soil Transmitted Helminthes. Further, three additional complementary interventions were delivered during the co-delivery process, namely: Identification and linkage of unvaccinated/drop out children <1 year; health education on WASH; and awareness creation on COVID 19. Prof. Zewdie Birhanu, Principal Investigator of the research project presented the findings and highlighted on the unique feature of this research project which include effective engagement of communities and stakeholders, volunteers, health workers at different levels, partners, and health managers at the different levels of the health system. This research pave the way for co-administration of mass drug treatment for Onchocerciasis and soil transmitted helminthes through direct engagement of frontline health workers, supported by community volunteers. The outcome from this study has the potential to inform policy and practice for strengthening co-delivery strategy in delivering essential NTD services and recommended that the regional and national NTD programs could adopt the approach as viable strategy; scale up or expand the approach to new districts through phase-in process. Moreover, a short video describing the research process was displayed for participants of the workshop. The second research is entitled ‘Patients’ healthcare, education, engagement, and empowerment rights’ framework: Patients’, care takers’ and health care workers’ perspective’. This research project provided answer to the basic question ‘Is our healthcare right-based and patient-centered?’ and was conducted in four hospitals found in Jimma Zone. The findings illustrated that the hospital facility and environment need to be prepared, supportive, and responsive to provide quality and acceptable services to clients, while, health professionals, patients and care givers need to be well aware on their rights and responsibilities in service delivery process. This research outlined the need to have patient right and safety protection office and its legal framework was also highlighted by participants. Dr. Yohannes Kebede presented the research findings and entertained reflection from the audiences. On the workshop, Dr. Nestanet Workneh (Vice President for Research and Community Service); Dr. Fetya Awol (Chief Clinical Director for JMC); Sr. Munira Aba Jihad (Vice head for Jimma Zonal Health Department); Mr. Dereje Eshetu (NTD focal person at JZHD); Mr. Yacob (Carter Center – NGP); Senior researchers and academicians; CEOs of hospitals in Jimma Zone; representatives of Woreda Health Offices and health care providers; Health Extension Workers and community representatives from the study sites were audiences. Finally, participants forwarded their reflections and the way forward on both researches and the workshop was wrapped up before lunch time.