
Long bones’ fracture Surgery

Jimma Medical Centre is promoting the surgical treatment for long bones’ fractures. The evidence from the Ministry of Health shows that the international organization called “SIGN IMN” is working internationally with 404 hospitals on Long bones’ fracture Surgery among which the first ten hospitals included are Tikur Anbessa, Alert and Sodo Christian Hospitals. Dr. Tegenu […]

The President’s message to prospective students !!!

As we are waiting to receive prospective students that will join our university this year, we are pleased to introduce the list of our undergraduate Degree programs herewith. Eligible applicants (as per the cutoff points to be set by the MoE for this year’s National Exams result) can make use of the list to make […]

3213 Students graduated from jimma University

A colorful, eventful, and memorable graduation ceremony was held on January 14, 2023. 3,213 students who completed their education in regular, weekend, summer and extension programs graduated from Jimma University. Among the graduates, 2,730 (887 female & 1,843 male) completed undergraduate programs, 26 (2 female & 24 male) earned PhDs, ans 457 (82 female & 375 male) graduated […]

The Ambassador’s visit

Ambassador Tracey Ann Jacobson, Chargé d’Affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia, made a visit to Jimma University. The ambassador had a fruitful discussion with the university’s top management on various issues related to academic, research, staff capacity building and other bilateral and collaborative areas.  

International Day of Persons with Disabilities Celebrated at Jimma University

Jimma University in collaboration with the Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD) celebrated International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) at the main campus on 16 December 2022. At the event, two members of the National Union of University Students in Finland (Suomen ylioppilaskuntien liitto – SYL) participated — Ms. Sinituuli Suominen, Development Policy […]

Chinese Ambassador, Zhao Zhinyuan, visited Jimma University.

Delegates from the Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia and Chinese Ambassador to Ethiopia, Zhao Zhinyuan, visited Jimma University on December 10, 2022. Dr. Jemal Abafita, president of Jimma University, briefed the Ambassador on areas of pedagogy, learning, research and community engagement programs carried out by Jimma University and possible areas of partnership with the Chinese Embassy. […]

Community Service Project and Training

A handover of a community service project entitled “Aquaponics- an urban aqua-farm” coupled with a capacity building training was held by Jimma University College of Natural Sciences. This Aquaponics project is a novel technology that adopts fish production whereby the nutrient-rich fish waste is fed to hydroponically-grown vegetables after passing through a biofilter system. The […]