
Jimma University CAVM Launches Model Village for Integrated Rural Development (Technology Village)

Jimma University CAVM Launches Model Village for Integrated Rural Development (Technology Village)

May 27, 2019: JU’s College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine has conducted a technology village establishment workshop. The workshop was organized by Community Based Education and Partnership Office of the college and facilitated by Dr. Fikadu, Dean of the college. The establishment of the village is part of the materialization of the new flagship initiative in […]

“Bunaaf Nagaa hin dhabiinaa”/ ቡናና ሰላም ከቤታችሁ አይጥፋ: The president addresses participants of Peace Festival at Jimma University

“Bunaaf Nagaa hin dhabiinaa”/ ቡናና ሰላም ከቤታችሁ አይጥፋ: The president addresses participants of Peace Festival at Jimma University

May 25, 2019:  JU’s Sustained Dialogue (SD) family has organized a two days’ Peace Festival in collaboration with TIKVAH-ETH. The festival was opened with the opening remarks of Dr. Jemal Abafita who warmly welcomed the guests to Jimma, the historic town of love, peace, hospitality and land of origin of coffee using the expressions from […]

JU’s President Dr. Jemal Abafita calls for a better synergy between JU and JCTE to revolutionize education in Jimma Zone

JU’s President Dr. Jemal Abafita calls for a better synergy between JU and JCTE to revolutionize education in Jimma Zone

May 24, 2019: College of Education and Behavioral Science of Jimma University and Jimma College of Teacher’s Education have jointly organized a two days’ workshop dedicated to the 50th year Golden Jubilee celebration of establishment of Jimma College of Teacher’s Education. At the historic ev…ent were, officials and staff from Jimma University, officials from Oromia […]

JU’s President Dr. Jemal Abafita calls for a better synergy between JU and JCTE to revolutionize education in Jimma Zone

JU’s President Dr. Jemal Abafita calls for a better synergy between JU and JCTE to revolutionize education in Jimma Zone

May 24, 2019: College of Education and Behavioral Science of Jimma University and Jimma College of Teacher’s Education have jointly organized a two days’ workshop dedicated to the 50th year Golden Jubilee celebration of establishment of Jimma College of Teacher’s Education. At the historic ev…ent were, officials and staff from Jimma University, officials from Oromia […]

Fistula day celebrated at JU

Fistula day celebrated at JU

The Fistula Day, which has been celebrated for the 6th time in Ethiopia and 7th at the global level, was celebrated at Jimma University for the second consecutive time. The national celebration of the day was organized by Jimma University with the motto “Fistula is a Human Rights Violation-End it Now” in collaboration with various governmental and […]

Vacancy for Paid Graduate Internship (From June to December 2019)

Vacancy for Paid Graduate Internship (From June to December 2019)

As part of the effort to support the Ethiopian higher education and training sector, the Sustainable Training and Education Program (STEP-GIZ) is very keen to implement graduate internship as a pilot on selected number of graduates with close collaboration with few selected local universities and the results may positively affect the employability of graduated and […]

JU hosts a Workshop with IBA Ethiopia

JU hosts a Workshop with IBA Ethiopia

JU organizes a one day workshop in collaboration with IBA Ethiopia, Center for Innovation on the grand title “Challenges of Transforming Innovative Researches in to Practical Business and Sustaining Startups.” The workshop was held on the 22nd of May, 2019 at JU’s Big Senate Hall. The major aim of the workshop is to sensitize young […]

ለክረምት ትምህርት ፈላጊዎች በሙሉ

ለክረምት ትምህርት ፈላጊዎች በሙሉ

የጅማ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለ2011ዓ.ም የትምህርት ዘመን በክረምት የትምህርት መርሐግብር በመጀመሪያ እና ሁለተኛ ዲግሪ የተለያዩ የስልጠና ዘርፎች አመልካቾችን ተቀብሎ ማሠልጠን ይፈልጋል፡፡ በመሆኑም የመማር ፍላጐት ያላችሁና የትምህርት ሚኒስቴርን የከፍተኛ ት/ት መግቢያ መስፈርት ማሟላት የምትችሉ አመልካቾች ከግንቦት 12/2011ዓ.ም እስከ ሰኔ 07/2011ዓ.ም ድረስ በጂማ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ስልጠናዎቹ በሚሰጡባቸው ኮሌጆች በሚገኙ የኮሌጅ ሬጅስትራር ቢሮዎች በግንባር በመቅረብ መመዝገብ የምትችሉ መሆኑን ያስታውቃል፡፡ ስልጠናው የሚሰጥባቸው […]

Delegates from University of Florence and Milano (Italy) Visit JU

Delegates from University of Florence and Milano (Italy) Visit JU

May 10, 2019: JU president Dr. Jemal Abafita and management receives and discusses with two Faculty members from Universities of Florence and Milano Professor Francesco Ferrini and Professor Giovanni Gustavo Lozza. The delegates visited JU from 9-10th May 10, 2019. The visit was very much effective in allowing the two institutions to get to know […]