Author: erouser

Performance Contractual Agreement at Jimma University

A Performance Contractual Agreement (PCA) was signed between vice presidents, college deans, and institute directors at Jimma University. The meeting began with a brief opening remark by Dr. Jemal Abafita, the President of Jimma University. He presented the PCA document for open discussion and feedback. The document addresses various sections related to academic, research, community, […]

The Research and Innovation Week Conference ended today

The one-week-long Research and Innovation Week Conference, under the theme "Building Bridges Through Research and Innovation," that commenced on January 27, 2025, ended today.Thirty papers covering different scientific topics and eighteen posters were presented in four parallel sessions. All the presentations were followed by actively engaging discussions and scientific arguments, as well as inquiries raised [...]

Jimma University Research Conference: Harnessing 21st Century Technological Advances in Ethiopian Higher Education

The one-week celebration of Research and Innovation Week at Jimma University continued today under the theme “Research Conference: Harnessing 21st Century Technological Advances in Ethiopian Higher Education.” The conference was attended by board members of Jimma University, presidents and vice presidents from different universities, researchers, academic staff, university officials, and honored guests. Dr. Zerihun Assefa, […]

Building Innovation Ecosystems: Enabling a Culture of Innovation in HEIs for National Impact

The one-week celebration of Research and Innovation Week at Jimma University continued today under the theme "Building Innovation Ecosystems: Enabling a Culture of Innovation in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) for National Impact."In his opening remarks, Professor Gemechis File, Vice President for Business and Administration at Jimma University, emphasized that this occasion not only marks a [...]

Building Stronger Collaboration for Impact

The one-week celebration of Research and Innovation Week at Jimma University, which was launched yesterday, continued today under the theme “Building Stronger Collaboration for Impact.” In his opening speech, Dr. Zerihun Assefa, Jimma University’s Vice President for Research and Community Service, emphasized that this program provides an opportunity to discuss important issues that contribute to […]

Jimma University Welcomes the Italian Minister of Universities and Research

Jimma University officials warmly welcomed a delegation led by Her Excellency Anna Maria Bernini, a Member of the Senate and the Minister of Universities and Research, alongside His Excellency Agostino Palese, the Ambassador of Italy to Ethiopia. The delegation visited Jimma University to strengthen ties and explore collaboration opportunities. During the visit, the delegation received […]

Jimma University Welcomes Chair of the Board of Governance

Jimma University officials warmly welcomed H.E. Alemtsehay Paulos: Head of Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Affairs Minister , who is the Chair of the Board of Governance. During the visit, H.E. Alemtsehay received a briefing from Dr. Jemal Abafita, the president of Jimma University, who informed her about the university’s strategic directions and […]

Jimma University Launched Data Science Hub and Hosted Agricultural Initiatives Workshop

On January 17, 2025, Jimma University unveiled its new Data Science Hub through an engaging workshop focused on leveraging data-driven solutions to transform Africa’s agricultural development for climate adaptation. In his opening speech, Dr. Jemal Abafita stated, “Today marked a significant milestone in our journey toward innovation and excellence as we inaugurated the Data Science […]

Jimma University Held Workshop to Strengthen Postgraduate Program Reviews

Jimma University held a pivotal two-day capacity-building workshop on January 13-14, 2025. The event brought together different academic and administrative staff, including deans, department heads, PG coordinators, and senior academic leaders, to refine the university’s master’s and PhD programs in alignment with institutional, national, and global priorities. The workshop commenced with a welcoming speech by […]