Author: admin


Call for Abstracts

The Institute of Oromo Studies (IOS), Jimma University is organizing the Fifth International Oromo Studies Conference to be held from 26th–27th May, 2020 at Jimma University, Oromia, Ethiopia.  The conference welcomes abstracts with full length paper from scholars and students around the world.  Conference Grand Theme: “Oromo in the Horn of African Discourses“ The Conference welcomes […]


The KOFIH-JU-JZHO project donated different medical equipment’s and materials for Health facilities

(January 3, 2020) Korea Foundation for International Healthcare (KOFIH)-JU-JZHO collaborative Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health project donated different equipment’s for four districts in Jimma Zone, namely Dedo, Omo-Nada, Mancho, and Omo-Beyam. Today, the project delivered 26 motorbikes, 9 Ultrasounds, 23 Computers, 4 LCD Projectors, 25 Shelf’s of different types, and 29 printers with its inks […]

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Jimma University hands over Community Service Projects (technologies) to beneficiaries

Jimma University has been extensively engaged in the provision of a wide array of community services through a better coordination of scientific products with community’s priority needs. The University provides a lot of community services in agriculture, health, education, social, legal and different socioeconomic activities. In 2018/29, the university has approved over 20 community service […]



Jimma University is working on biodiversity data mobilization under BIDERSE project with the support of Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), which is funded by the European Union. We are mobilizing and supporting biodiversity (bird, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, macroinvertebrates, fish, plants, bacteria, fungi, etc.) data online. This helps to make biodiversity data available for researchers, practitioners […]

Ambo University 1

VLIR-OUS- University Collaboration for Better Health in Ethiopia

A public event that brought Jimma, Ambo, Addis Ababa and Hawassa Universities from Ethiopia and Ghent University from Belgium together was held from December 13-15: 2019. The event was conducted with the theme “VLIR-OUS- University Collaboration for Better Health in Ethiopia” to review the achievements so far and chart a further collaborative endeavors among the […]



The JU Community ones again Congratulates our Prime Minister H.E. Dr. Abiy Ahmed for becoming the Pride of Ethiopia and Africa. The Winner of the 100th Nobel Peace Prize. #Congratulations_Ethiopia #Congratulations_Africa

International Theatre Institute

Jimma University becomes Member of the International Theatre Institute (ITI)/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts

Jimma University is glad to announce its becoming of a member UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts (International Theatre Institute). This membership makes JU the only member from Ethiopia’s higher learning institutions and one of the six members from Africa. JU would like to congratulate the department and staff members who were […]

French Embassy 2

Officials from French Embassy visits JU

Ms. Anaelle GUILLEN – MEYER, Education Attaché of the French Embassy and Mr. Soufiane Ben Said, Head of French Studies at the Alliance Ethio-française of Addis Ababa visits JU in the afternoon of December 11, 2019.Range of issues regarding the launching of the French language training center and cooperation between French and Ethiopian higher education […]