

Experts Deliberated on Financing Homegrown Economic Transformation

Jimma University, in collaboration with the FDRE Public Finance Enterprises Agency and the I-capital Africa Institute, organized the 4th East Africa Finance Summit from December 4 – 5, 2019 at the United Nations Conference Center, Addis Ababa. The Conference was attended by more than 400 delegates that include financial experts from Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, […]


JU Higher Officials Visit KOFIH Project Activities at Odo Hidheta Health Center

Jimma University (JU) higher officials and Korea Foundation for International Healthcare-Jimma University- Jimma Zone Health Office Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health (KOFIH-JU-JZHO MNCH) project team visit solar panels, maternal waiting area construction, water supply maintenance, and health information system strengthening at Odo Hidheta health center in Jimma Zone. The visitors included among others Dr. Jemal […]


Sorghum Improvement Project Review Meeting held at JU

November 28-29, 2019: Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine held a two days project review meeting involving participants from Project Partners, Universities, National and Regional Agricultural research institutions, scholars and students in the area and stakeholders. The review workshop was targeted at evaluating the performances of two Sorghum Improvement projects against the goals […]


JU’s Young Female Researcher Receives Award from UNESCO

Jimma University is pleased to announce Mrs Fenet Belay Daba (Assistant Professor) from College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, won the prize from The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for her contributions in research and community service areas. The national competition, at which she received the award, was organized by the Ministry of […]


የሀዘን መግለጫ!

በዩኒቨርሲቲያችን የሜድካል ላቦራቶሪ ትምህርት ክፍል የክሊኒካል ኬሚስትሪ  የሁለተኛ ድግሪ ተማሪያችን የነበረችው ኦብሲ ነጋሳ ከዚህ ዓለም በሞት ስለተለየች ዩነቨርሲቲዉ የተሰማዉን ጥልቅ ሀዘን እየገለፀ ለመላ ቤተሰቦቿና ለወዳጅ ዘመዶቿ መፅናናትን ይመኛል፡፡ ጅማ ዩነቨርሲቲ! Ibsa Gaddaa****************Barattuu Digirii 2ffaa Kilinikaal Keemistirii kan turte Obsii Nagaasaa du’aan addunyaa kana irraa boqochuusheetti Yuunivarsiitiin jimmaa gadda itti dhagahame ibsaa maatiifi firoottan ishee hundaaf […]


JU Staff Member and Students won three of the five GIAS 2019 Award

JU is pleased to announce that its staff member and students won the Green Innovation and Agritech Slam 2019 in various categories. The Green Innovation and Agri-Tech Slam (GIAS) is a nationwide agricultural business competition that aims to find innovative solutions to critical challenges of the agricultural sector. Jimma University staff Dr Sirawdink Fikreyesus received […]


Discussion forum conducted on Improving Quality and Visibility of Journals at JU

Jimma University (JU) and The Elsevier Foundation, a Publisher without Border, have co-organized “Journal quality and visibility” improvement forum on the 21st of November 2019, at Jimma University. Jimma University has a vision of being “one of the premier universities in Africa and renowned in the world by 2025”. One way of achieving the vision is […]

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ለጅማ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ቅደመ-ምረቃ ተማሪዎች በሙሉ

ሰሞኑን በተለያዩ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ከተከሰተዉ ችግር ጋር ተያይዞ በተፈጠረዉ አለመረጋጋት በዩኒቨርሲቲያችን የቅድመ-ምረቃ ፕሮግራም የመማር ማስተማር ሂደት ለተወሰኑ ቀናት መቋረጡ ይታወሳል፡፡ የዩኒቨርሲቲያችን አመራር፣ አካዳሚክ እና አስተዳደር ሰራተኞች በተለያዩ ደረጃዎች ከተለያዩ አካላት ጋር ሰላማዊ የመማር ማስተማር ሁኔታ እንዲፈጠር ሲሰሩ መቆየታቸው ይታወቃል፡፡ የዩኒቨርሲቲያችን ሴኔት ዛሬ በ11/03/2012 ባደረገዉ ሁለተኛዉ አስቸኳይ ስብሰባ አሁናዊ ሁኔታዉን በመገምገም ትምህርት ለማስጀመር አስቻይ ሁኔታዎች በመፈጠራቸዉ ሰኞ […]

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Jimma University staff members won four Grand Challenge Ethiopia Awards

Jimma University is highly esteemed to announce the selection of four Staff research projects each of them funded with 1 million Ethiopian birr by the Grand Challenge Ethiopia. Grand Challenge Ethiopia is a family of initiatives fostering innovation to solve key global health and development problems in the world. It is an initiative of the […]


The Go Star Project 13th year’s Partnership Anniversary Celebrated at JU

The partnership between Jimma University Medical Center and the Swiss Surgeons for Ethiopia Foundation Go Star Project was initiated in 2006 by Dr. Joerg Peltzer the founder of this project.  On the celebration the Swiss Ambassador H.E. Daniel Hunn, Dr. Joerg Peltzer. MD President Swiss Surgeons for Ethiopia Foundation, Mayor of Swiss Mr. Alec, Officials and […]