Jimma University is highly esteemed to announce the selection of four Staff research projects each of them funded with 1 million Ethiopian birr by the Grand Challenge Ethiopia. Grand Challenge Ethiopia is a family of initiatives fostering innovation to solve key global health and development problems in the world. It is an initiative of the federal Ministry of Health established in 2015 and hosted by Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI). Grand Challenges Ethiopia is family of the global grand challenges and has established partnership with Grand Challenge programs of Grand challenge Canada, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and USAID to stimulate the creation, appraisal, promotion and scale up of innovations answering the current major health problems, addressing challenges and assisting the eradication of these challenges to contribute for the healthier and less challenged healthcare system aimed in the future.
Team Simbona innovations under Jimma University has won two awards on research projects entitled “Affordable Infant Radiant Warmer” and “Neonatal Jaundice Treatment (LED Phototherapy) Unit” each of them receiving one million ETB. The team has been working on one of the major challenges faced in the developing portions of the world, maternal and neonatal care services, to promote affordable and alternative power consuming assistive technologies for the health care system. The affordable infant radiant warmer and Super LED neonatal Jaundice treatment (Phototherapy ) unit proposed, and practically designed and developed in , are incredible outstanding products that are very well suited for counties like ours.
On the other hand ‘Gelan Ayana and his team won the same award on the innovative project entitled “Non-invasive pregnant hemoglobin measuring device for diagnosis of Anemia.”
The project Designated low-cost, non-invasive anemia and inadequate blood plasma expansion screening device potentially improving clinical practice by expanding access to screening especially among the high-risk women population and in more remote locations.
Abel Worku and his team also won the award on the project entitled “Improvement of Compound Light Microscope through Advanced Medical Image Analysis, Automation, and Monochromatic light sources.” The main objective of this project is to digitize the existed CLM, apply advanced medical image analysis, automate the movement of parts and provide a light preference.
Jimma University is very proud to announce the progress of all the teams and hopes to move forward and achieve a higher level of success to the Teams and the University at large.