
Mycobacteriology Research Center Conducted Two Days Workshop on eSpecimen Referral Linkage

Mycobacteriology Research Center Conducted Two Days Workshop on eSpecimen Referral Linkage

Jimma University Mycobacteriology Research Center has organized a two day workshop on eSpecimen referral linkage in collaboration with Challenge TB Ethiopia and Nekemte Regional Laboratory for lab personnel from MDR-TB Treatment Initiating Centers in South West Ethiopia on January 11-12, 2017 at Honey Land Hotel. Dr. Gemeda Abebe, Director of Institute of Biotechnology, Jimma University […]

OHCEA Project office of Jimma University has delivered One Health Risk Analysis Training

OHCEA Project office of Jimma University has delivered One Health Risk Analysis Training

Risk Analysis is a tool used by intergovernmental organizations (such as WHO, OIE and FAO) to assess disease risk in cost effective manner. Following the TOT workshop conducted in May 6-10, 2016 at, Harmony Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, One Health Central and Eastern Africa (OHCEA) – Jimma Ethiopia country office cascaded the risk analysis training […]

JU BOARD Of GOVERNORS HELD 47th regular meeting

JU BOARD Of GOVERNORS HELD 47th regular meeting

The board of governors of Jimma University held its 47th regular meeting on Saturday December 24/2016 at the university senate Hall. Major discussion issues of the meeting were: the university’s strategic plan (2016-2020) the board’s annual plan and the university’s 2009 E.C. first quarter plan performance report. The Board also endorsed full professorship rank for […]

JU community has been grieved by the death of Dr. Balcha Abera

JU community has been grieved by the death of Dr. Balcha Abera

JU community has been grieved by the death of one of its veteran staff Dr. Balcha Abera , an Associate Professor at the Department of Biology, who passed away on December 28, 2016 at his home. He had been serving the university in his area of expertise for many years. Dr. Balacha has a PHD in […]

JU Signs Memorandum of Understanding with MBAD

JU Signs Memorandum of Understanding with MBAD

JU has signed Memorandum of Understanding with MBAD Medical equipment and service PLC, for the establishment of Dialysis center at JU Teaching & Referral Hospital. The agreement stipulates that MBAD will provide all the required medical equipment, utilities and supplies, while JU will avail the necessary facilities for the treatment of patients. The agreement was […]

Phase II Basic Medicines Dossier Evaluation Training

Phase II Basic Medicines Dossier Evaluation Training

Phase II Basic Medicines Dossier Evaluation Training organized by Jimma University in collaboration with Ethiopian Food, Medicine and Healthcare Administration and Control authority was given for pharmaceutical science professionals working at Addis Ababa University, Jimma University, Ethiopian Food, Medicine and Healthcare Administration and Control Authority (EFMHACA) and Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association from June2-9, 2016 at Damu […]

National Conference on Ge’ez Language at JU

National Conference on Ge’ez Language at JU

The 3rd National Conference on Ge’ez Language took place at Jimma University at the Conference hall of College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine from June 10 – 11/2016.  The conference is organized by Jimma University in collaboration with the FDRE Ministry of Culture and Tourism, The Ethiopian National Archives and Library Agency and Culture and […]

JU Signs Memorandum of Understanding with MBAD

JU Signs Memorandum of Understanding with MBAD

JU has signed Memorandum of Understanding with MBAD Medical equipment and service PLC, for the establishment of Dialysis center at JU Teaching & Referral Hospital. The agreement stipulates that MBAD will provide all the required medical equipment, utilities and supplies, while JU will avail the necessary facilities for the treatment of patients.   The agreement […]

Specialized Hosptial

Specialized Hosptial

Jimma University teaching Hospital (JUTH) is one of the oldest public hospitals in the country. It was established in 1930 E.C by Italian invaders for the service of their soldiers. Geographically, it is located in Jimma city 352 km southwest of Addis Ababa. After the withdrawal of the colonial occupants, it has been governed under […]