Risk Analysis is a tool used by intergovernmental organizations (such as WHO, OIE and FAO) to assess disease risk in cost effective manner. Following the TOT workshop conducted in May 6-10, 2016 at, Harmony Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, One Health Central and Eastern Africa (OHCEA) – Jimma Ethiopia country office cascaded the risk analysis training to government sector offices and academic staffs of faculty of public health and school of veterinary medicine, Jimma University.
The training was given at Jimma Central Hotel by 8 regionally trained faculties & it has involved 68 delegates from the following offices;
1. Rural Land & Environmental Protection Office – Zonal & Town offices (2 participants)
2. Municipality – Town Sanitation & Beautification section ( 1 participant)
3. Livestock & Fishery Development – Zonal & Town offices( 4 participant)
4. Disaster Risk management ( 2 participant)
5. Zone Health office ( 2 participant)
6. Town Health Office ( 2 participant)
7. Jimma Health Center ( 2 participant)
8. Jimma Municipality ( 5 participant)
9. Red Cross Society Jimma Branch ( 2 participant)
10. Oromia Forest & Wild life enterprise Jimma Branch ( 4 participant)
11. Jimma University Referral Hospital ( 1 participant)
12. Shenen Gibe Hospital ( 1 participant)
13. Jimma University Faculty ( 35 participant)
14. Jimma zone road authority ( 1 participant)
15. Ethiopian Agricultural research institute (Jimma Branch) ( 1 participant)
16. Ethiopian Biodiversity institute (Jimma Branch) ( 1 participant)
17. Jimma zone coffee and tea authority (1 participant)
18. Jimma Zone livestock and fisheries office (1 participant)
The main goals & objectives of the training were;
1. Describing the concepts and framework of risk analysis applied to zoonotic diseases and food safety
2. Identifying the roles and interactions among the risk assessors, risk managers and stakeholders
3. Applying risk prioritization tools to identify the priorities in zoonotic diseases and food safety in the country or region
4. Applying rapid risk assessment tools for the importation of live animals, biological and agricultural products
5. Designing a surveillance and inspection program in zoonotic diseases and food safety in the country or region
6. To be able to communicate effectively risk analysis with the stakeholders.
Most of the participants were very much happy and they believe that they have acquired new knowledge and some basic skills on one health risk analysis. They also mentioned that the training allow the participants to introduce each other and create a platform for future collaborations.
Next Steps
After the workshop, these different professionals who came from different government sectors were agreed to work together in the area of environmental pollution mitigation, rabies prevention and control and other one health activities by mobilizing resources from their respective institutions and by writing a joint grant proposals as well.