
Vacancy Announcement for JU President

Vacancy Announcement for JU President

Jimma University invites all interested and competent candidates to apply for the post of Presidency 1.      1. JOB TITLE: President of Jimma University 2.      Requirements 2.1.Educational Qualification: PhD degree or MA/MSc degree with a rank of Assistant Professor or above 2.2.Experiences: Evidence of track record experiences in a senior management position in higher education […]

Vacancy Announcement for Vice President

Vacancy Announcement for Vice President

Jimma University invites all interested and competent staff members to apply for the post of Vice President 1.      JOB TITLE: Vice President for Administration and Student Affairs 2.      Requirements: 2.1.Educational Qualification: PhD degree or MA/MSc degree with a rank of Assistant Professor or above 2.2.Experiences: Evidence of track record experiences in a senior management position […]

Establishment of Governance and Development Studies Consortium of Ethiopian Universities

Establishment of Governance and Development Studies Consortium of Ethiopian Universities

On 22nd of January 2019, Jimma University hosted a workshop on ” The Establishment of Governance and Development Studies consortium of Ethiopian universities “. The workshop was organized by Department of Governance and Development Studies, College of Law and Governance, Jimma university.  The workshop has brought six Departments of Governance and Development Studies from six […]

JU and KOFIH Team Visits Solar Panel Installed for Health Centers in Jimma Zone

JU and KOFIH Team Visits Solar Panel Installed for Health Centers in Jimma Zone

  Jimma University and KOFIH Ethiopia country office and partners visit solar panel installed in health centers in Jimma Zone. The visitors included among others Mr. Don Kang, and Imiru Wakjira from KOFIH Ethiopia office, Dr. Elias Ali – KOFIH project management unit chairperson, Mr Gedion H/Michael and Kedir Adem from GIZ and Mr. Sileshi […]

Jimma University: Great History and a Bright Future

Jimma University: Great History and a Bright Future

Jimma University was founded on the amalgamation of the the Jimma Institute of Health Science and the Jimma College of Agriculture in the 1980’s. Both institutions had been national leaders in their respective fields, and with the merger, the development of a new, multifaceted and development oriented institution was able to emerge from the two […]

Sensitization Workshop on HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming at JU

JU-HAPCCO conducted a half-day workshop on the issue of mainstreaming HIV/AIDS on 15th of November 2018 at JU Senate Hall. On the occasion, research findings pertaining to substance use and risky sexual behavior among university students, and intervention strategies were presented. The forum forwarded awareness creation at department level on HIV, substance use and family […]

First Year Students’ Dormitory Placement

First Year Students’ Dormitory Placement

Dear our first year students, a warm welcome to you all! Congratulations on your acceptance to Jimma University. We are glad that you have just joined our family.  We are ready to welcoming your arrival, and here is your dormitory placement. You can click the following link and enter your Admission Number to get your dormitory [...]
ክፍት የሥራ ቦታ ማስታወቂያ

ክፍት የሥራ ቦታ ማስታወቂያ

በጅማ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተፈጥሮ ሣይንስ ኮሌጅ ከዚህ በታች በተመለከቱት ክፍት የሥራ መደቦች የሚያመለክቱ መምህራንን አወዳድሮ መቅጠር ይፈልጋል፡፡    S.N Field of Study Qualification Quantity Remark 1.  Astrophysics PhD 1 Assistant Prof. & above 2.  Statistical physics PhD 1 Assistant Prof. & above 3.  Quantum Field Theory PhD 1 Assistant Prof. & above 4.  Quantum optics PhD […]

Training on Data Management and Analysis  held at BECO, JU

Training on Data Management and Analysis held at BECO, JU

Research and Postgraduate office College of Business and Economics hosted staff training on “Data Management and Analysis Using STATA Software” in collaboration with Jimma University Clinical and Nutrition (JUCAN) Research Center. The training was held for four days starting from 16/10/2018 to 19/10/2018. Twenty seven academic staffs and PhD students selected from the five departments […]