On 22nd of January 2019, Jimma University hosted a workshop on ” The Establishment of Governance and Development Studies consortium of Ethiopian universities “. The workshop was organized by Department of Governance and Development Studies, College of Law and Governance, Jimma university.
The workshop has brought six Departments of Governance and Development Studies from six Universities together to discuss on the formation of a consortium and agreed to work together to that end. Departments participated in the workshop came from Ambo, Bahir Dar, Hawasa, Wolkite and Wollo universities. The consortium is the first of its kind on the issue of Governance and Development Studies. It intends to pool human and other resource together for a common goal.
The consortium is vital for harmonization of academic programs and curriculums, administering other curricular activities, preparation of research conferences and to work together with governmental and nongovernmental organizations on the issues pertinent to Governance and Development.
The workshop established a board and a taskforce which will outline future activities and execute assignments to finalize the establishment of the consortium respectively.
The department of Governance and Development Studied of Jimma University is grateful to the participating universities and the college of Law and Governance, Jimma University, for their contribution for the successful accomplishment of the workshop.