Author: erouser

One hundred eighty-four (184) Patients Receive Free Cataract Surgery at JU

The Department of Ophthalmology of Jimma University conducts free Cataract Surgeries for 184 patients for three days. The Cataract Surgery Campaign the department has undertaken was supported by the Himalayan Cataract Project and involves free lunch for the patients. Jimma University would use this opportunity to thank Himalayan Cataract Project (HCP) for sponsoring the campaign, […]

Sensitization Workshop on HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming at JU

JU-HAPCCO conducted a half-day workshop on the issue of mainstreaming HIV/AIDS on 15th of November 2018 at JU Senate Hall. On the occasion, research findings pertaining to substance use and risky sexual behavior among university students, and intervention strategies were presented. The forum forwarded awareness creation at department level on HIV, substance use and family […]