Jimma University hosted the third implementation workshop on National Academic Digital Repository of Ethiopia (NADRE) from 15-16 October 2018. The workshop is organized by JU Library System in collaboration with GIZ. The participants are Librarians, research coordinators, Ict professionals from Metu, Asosa and other cluster Universities of Jimma University.
This workshop is intended to provide researchers, Lecturers, students, stake holders and citizens access to all research works published by Ethiopian Universities and research institutions. Besides, the workshop aims to foster the dissemination of research outcomes and make them and their authors visible inside and outside the country so that other researchers can build on.
The workshop is opened by the speech of prof. Taye Tolemariam, V/president for Academic Affairs of JU. He expressed his gratitude to all those who played their role in organizing the workshop. He also emphasized the importance of the work shop in producing qualitative research works so that it helps the country to bring change and development. Mr. Bedassa Motuma, Director of JU Library system, in his part welcomed all the guests and participants of the workshop and presented the status of JU’s Library services and Technologies very briefly.
The training workshop proceeded with presentations by scholars from Italy (Namely: Prof Roberto Barbera from University of Catania, and Mr. Mario Torrisi). In addition, Ethiopian Scholars have also presented their research papers. Discussions, group works and practical activities in ICT lab are among the training programs of the workshop. The workshop ended by closing remarks and awarding certificates.