The Art of Public Speaking Club at Jimma University celebrated its final graduation with 21 international level public speakers on Saturday, February 11, 2023. According to the coach, Dr. Yimam Workneh, this year’s graduation is the 4th in a row since 2019. This year, students from all campuses and various fields of study participated and went through 80 days of rigorous training on both the theoretical and practical aspects of public speaking. In addition to the public speaking discipline, speakers were trained on the roles of self-conceptualization, self-discipline, the power of knowledge for public speakers, research and time management skills to help them realize their best selves. On the last day of the graduation, eleven finalists presented their original speeches in front of five judges, invited guests and students in the Social Science Lecture Hall. Though the competition was so tough, Liya Desta from the department of law, and Naol Ararsa and Nathnael Tekalegn from the department of medicine won and were awarded gold, silver and bronze medals respectively.