Software Developer
Jimma Univeristy ICT Development Office
Milky Seifu is a seasoned Senior Software Developer at Jimma University, showcasing exceptional prowess in a diverse range of technological domains. With a multifaceted skill set spanning web, mobile, IoT, and AI development, Milky has become a driving force in advancing technological landscapes.
Milky Seifu’s dedication to innovation is evident through active participation in various national and university-wide projects. He played a pivotal role in the development of cutting-edge systems, including the Research Management System, Youth Volunteer Management System, and Human Resource Management System. Milky’s commitment extends beyond individual projects to collaborative efforts, contributing significantly to initiatives like ATLAS and other transformative endeavors.
Milky Seifu’s rich experience and technical acumen position him as a valuable asset in the software development realm. His dynamic problem-solving abilities and proficiency in emerging technologies make him a go-to expert for creating robust, efficient, and scalable solutions. Milky’s passion for staying at the forefront of technological advancements reflects in his continuous pursuit of excellence, making him a standout figure in the field of software development at Jimma University and beyond.
Project Participation
- Human Resource Management System(HRM)
- New Jimma university official web site
- Jimma University Electronic Payment System
- Electronic Medical Record System(EMR) for Jimma Medical Center
- Youth volunteer Management System
- Help-desk Management system(HMS)
- Strategic Management information System(SMIS)
- Jimma University Registrar System
- Student service management system/one-card system
- Clinical Information System
- College Registrar System
- Research Management System
- Academic Task Load System (ATLAS)
- Jimma University Event Management System
- Jimma University Single Sign-On (JU-SSO)
- Gate Control System
- Jimma University Procurement Property Management System
PO Box 1232, Jimma, Ethiopia
milkyseifuban@gmail.com | milky.benti@ju.edu.et