Jimma University, through its collaborative project with the WHO known as Essential Health Services (EHS), has donated medical equipment valued at 28 million birr. These pieces of equipment, generously provided by Global Affairs Canada, marks a substantial investment in enhancing healthcare services.
These essential tools, ranging from pediatric weight scales to maternal health follow-up devices, vaccine equipment, blood pressure monitors, and refrigeration units, have been allocated to health institutions requiring assistance.
The focal point of this donation effort was centered on the Oromia and Southwest regions of Ethiopia. Specific locations such as Jimma Zone, Jimma Town, Ambo Town, West Shewa, and Southwestern Ethiopia were the recipients of these contributions. Health bureau representatives from these regions have received the donated equipment.
During the donation ceremony, Dr. Jemal Abafita, the President of Jimma University, delivered a speech that underscored the transformative impact of these equipment donations in bridging gaps in basic health service delivery. Dr. Jemal highlighted the critical role of healthcare facilities in maximizing their capacity to provide essential health services using the newly acquired resources.
Dr. Elias Ali, the EHS project PI, emphasized the core objective of the project: to amplify the capacity of essential health provision by providing tangible support through medical equipment and comprehensive awareness campaigns.
This initiative was tailored to areas where essential health services were disproportionately lacking, a situation accentuated by the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In consonance with Jimma University’s guiding principle of “We are in the community,” the university has taken the lead in conceptualizing and driving extensive projects aimed at benefiting the local population.