Jimma University would like to congratulate its partner Medicines for Malaria venture (MMV) for successful works and accomplishments in malaria in the last 20 years.
Dr Daniel Yilma from Jimma University was invited to deliver speech on the occasion of the 20th anniversary event held on 11th November 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland. In his first talk, he acknowledged MMV for its support at Jimma in infrastructure development and training for research and mentioned that Jimma University and MMV partnership experience will inspire new collaborations and capacity building efforts.
Dr. Daniel on his second talk in the event mentioned that Ethiopia has significantly reduced malaria death in the last decade by increasing accessibility of malaria care through training of non-health professionals to diagnose and manage malaria. He emphasized the need for more collaborations and efforts from scientists, industries and policy makers to simplify malaria diagnostics and treatment to improve accessibility and reach the hardest to reach most affected with malaria.