JUCAVM hosts Education Quality Improvement Review Workshop May 4-5, 2018


Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine in collaboration with Jhpiego Ethiopia, has organized a two days’ workshop on “Education Quality Improvement Review” from May 4-5, 2018 at JUCAVM Hall. This workshop was organized to discuss on education quality improvement (EQI) activities in Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. During the workshop three papers were presented by different bodies such as HERQA, Jhpiego Ethiopia and JUCAVM. The main achievements, best practices in quality and implementation bottlenecks to improve quality of education in the college were discussed and areas that need to be strengthened and improved were identified for future action.  A total of 50 participants from college and one expert from the Jhpiego were attended the workshop.








The workshop, beyond creating a platform for quality audit of the current practices of education at the college, has resulted in designing of future plan of action to further improve the quality of delivery of education at the college. The participants of the workshop, thus, deliberated on the key challenges encountered so far; proposed a remedy to the hurdles in various aspects among which are included: capacity building, ICT supported assessment mechanisms, collaboration and staff linkage, standardization of course materials and strengthening of student support. The workshop was concluded with the finalization of action plan prepared on the course of future areas of action which includes the details of current challenges identified, possible solutions, responsible bodies to put the activity into effect and the time frame together with the monitoring mechanism.