Fourth Quarter Review Meeting of Jimma Emergency Operation Center (JEOC) for COVID-19 outbreak was held on 26 of December 2020 at the Jimma University Senate Hall.
The main purpose of the meeting is to discuss the fourth quarter report of the Operation center, and from the discussion, important inputs were gathered for the next year plan preparation for COVID-19 prevention and control strategies, as the incident manager of JEOC, Dr. Elias Ali reported.
On the quarterly report all selected divisions namely surveillance, Risk communication, and community engagement, case management, Infection prevention, and control, logistic and safe reopening school activities were presented by responsible working divisions and important discussion was held. The Report covered the COVID-19 prevention and control strategies, 3T (Test, Trace and Treat and other function’s performance, challenges, corrective measures taken, strengths and weaknesses observed, about a new strain of COVID-19 and the way forward.
This quarter’s activities were mainly on vulnerable groups like prisoners, health care facilities, and safe reopening of schools and universities.
Accordingly, nearly 8000 COVID-19 tests were conducted of which 372 became positive, and 118of them were admitted, while 42 of them received home-based care. In the fourth quarter, 13 deaths were reported, which is a higher number when compared to the previous quarter. 4112 students were screened upon entry and all necessary precautions were made. In addition, training on COVID-19, psychosocial readiness and emotional intelligence, and awareness creation campaign for Jimma University staff, students, and volunteers were given.
The incident manager of the operation center, Dr. Elias Ali Finally said JEOC is undertaking several activities on prevention and control of COVID-19, with the scientific community, the general public, and other stakeholders, and every individual should collaborate and work aggressively for the successful achievement of the center.