A High-Level Health Innovation Projects Visit and Consultative Workshop held at Jimma University. Ministry of Health and Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI) has organized a half-day high-level event that brings together a number of higher officials from key stakeholders and developmental partners like the USAID, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Embassy of Canada, different Ministries (Education, Trade and Regional Integration, Innovation and Technology, Industry, Works and Skills), Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority, Ethiopian Standards Agency, Ethiopian Conformity Assessment Enterprise, Ethiopian Radiation Protection Authority and Manufacturing Industries Association.
Over 60 % of the innovation projects supported by the CGE since its first launching in 2017 have been won by JU young researchers and innovators. This has motivated the CGE to pay a closer attention to JU, and subsequently caused AHRI to conduct its annual review meeting at our university (which was held in early April 2022 here in Jimma). The current high-level workshop takes this commitment to the next level, where an in-depth deliberation is expected to be made in search of finding solutions to some of the pressing challenges faced by majority of the most promising innovation projects that have progressed well to the stage of clinical trials, ultimately seeking registration and licensing approval paving the way for mass production.
The Minister of Health, H.E. Dr Lia Tadesse attends this important event and Jimma University is honored to host the workshop.