Jimma University Board of Governors at its 48th regular meeting held on July 9, 2017 has approved the promotion of Drs. Debela Hunde, Delenasaw Yewhalaw, Ketema Bacha, Sintayehu Alamrew and Ali Mohammed to full professorship. Before the approval, a review process and decision has been made by the respective departments and colleges of the applicants and by the University Senate.
Dr. Debela Hunde, Professor of Biodiversity and Ecosystems
Debela Hunde Feyssa is a Professor of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. He has subsequently obtained academic degrees and diplomas i.e.: BSc, MSc, HDP, PhD. He has served in public institutions: In high schools: teacher, Head Department and unit leader at different times. At Teachers Training Institute and College of Teachers’ Education served as (instructor, Academic registrar of the college, Department head, Vice Dean, Acting Dean, Member and chairperson of academic commission at various times), Zonal Head of Adult and Continuing Education. University level: (instructor and researcher, Associate academic registrar of Jimma University and currently teaching and undertaking research activities at a rank of Professor and involved in project coordination and serving in academic management at various capacities in the university as a result published over about research findings on journals. Between February 2013 & beginning of October 2015 served as a Coordinator of research and postgraduate programs at the College of Agriculture & Veterinary Medicine of Jimma University. At the same time He has served as member of technical team of the Research and Postgraduate of Jimma University.
Since October 2015 he is working as Vice Dean of College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. For quite reasonable years he has served as Editor in Chief of Ethiopian Journal of Applied Science and Technology and recently serving as one of the Associate Editors of the Journal. Involved in consultancy services including ATVET curriculum and teaching materials evaluation and revision among others.
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Dr. Delenasaw Yewhalaw, Professor of Medical Entomology
Dr Delenasaw Yewhalaw Gebre is a Professor of Medical Entomology. He joined the graduate program, Faculty of Natural Science, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia and obtained Masters of Science Degree in Entomology in 2004. In 2012 he obtained his PhD in Medical Sciences from Université Catholiqué de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium. Apart from teaching, he is highly engaged in research and community service. He has advised many undergraduate and graduate (MSC and PhD) students.
Overall, he has published 48 scientific papers: 43 original research articles, 1 review paper, 1 full length proceeding, 1 book chapter and 1 policy brief. Over 98% of the research articles published in high impact journals with impact factor (IF) ranging from 2 to 10.
He is a lead author in one-fourth of all my publications. Some of the outputs of his research work with new findings, had an impact on National Malaria Vector Control policy in changing the insecticide use in indoor residual spraying and contributed to the development of National Insecticide Monitoring and Management Strategy (IRMM) of Ethiopia, contributed to Vector Control Advisory Group of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Resistance Targeting Products (annexed). Some of my research works are refereed in “Science”, one of the highest impact journals in the world on novel scientific work. He is serving as an editorial board member for 5 Scientific Journals and a reviewer for 11 Scientific Journals.
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Dr. Ketema Bacha, Professor of Food Microbiology
Dr. Ketema Bacha earned his BSc Degree (Biology), MSc (Applied Microbiology), and PhD (Applied Microbiology/Food Microbiology) from Addis Ababa University. Dr. Ketema has long years of experience in research, teaching, institutional leadership and community services. With keen research interest in the area of food safety, antimicrobial activities of Ethiopian traditional medicinal plants, and drug resistance, he authored/co-authored 40 research papers on International and per-reviewed national journals. Besides offering advanced microbiology courses to postgraduate students at Jimma University and different universities in the country, Dr. Ketema Bacha have supervised more than 30 MSc Theses and evaluated five PhD Dissertations.
As a leader, Dr. Ketema has served as Dean of former Faculty of Education and Dean of College of Natural Sciences at Jimma University; served lead consultant of the UNICEF funded Regional Gambella Project; spearheaded the establishment of Ethiopian Society for Microbiology (ESM); organized three consecutive annual research conference of the same society; and actively served as Board member of Jimma Zone Red Cross Society. Dr. Ketema Bacha made significant contribution towards expansion of postgraduate programs in the College of Natural Sciences, and took the credit, along his colleague, for launching of both MSc and PhD program in Applied Microbiology currently hosted at the Department of Biology.
Dr. Ali Mohammed, Professor of Horticulture
Professor Ali received his first degree from Haramay University, Ethiopia in 1989, second degree from University of London, UK, in 1994 and terminal degree from MPKV Agricultural University in India in 2008 in the areas of plant Science, Horticulture and Postharvest/horticulture respectively. He has been serving Jimma University since September 1989 and has served at different positions in the University. Just to name a few Head Department of Horticulture, Head Department of Postharvest Management, as well as Research and Publication Officer at College and University level. He has also served as project director and coordinator for a number of international and national projects.
Professor Ali has supervised more than 94 MSc and 6 PhD researches and the findings were published in more than 60 articles in peer reviewed Journals. In the area of research and development, He has been involved in the release of banana varieties in collaboration with Melkassa Agricultural Research Center (MARC) and Jimma Agricultural Research Center (JARC). He has also promoted the use of appropriate postharvest technologies including least cost driers, cooling chambers, storages, food product for different target groups, etc. He has also been working on the optimization of processing and solar and hot air drying conditions for coffee, tea and spices.
Dr. Sintayehu Alamrew, Professor of Plant Breeding
Professor Sentayehu Alamerew Kebede holds M.Sc. (Agronomy/Plant Breeding) and PhD (Genetics and Plant Breeding). He is professor in the department of Horticulture and Plant Sciences at Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Ethiopia. He published more than 65 journal articles in different international and national peer reviewed journals. He has also written a book in plant breeding.
He is currently teaching postgraduate students and is also a coordinator for Community Based Education and Partnership at Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. He is interested in researching genetics of various crop plants including at molecular level, variety development and the production of teaching materials.