Dr. Jemal Abafita, president of Jimma University, emphasized the importance of technology-assisted teaching and learning and the critical role of digital skills in honing the academic prowess of staff and students. He appreciated the Ministry’s initiative and pledged to provide unreserved support for the full-fledged implementation of e-learning at JU. The team leader of the e-SHE initiative from the Ministry of Education indicated that the Ministry is taking a strategic shift toward digital education to establish a resilient education system.
The intervention areas of the initiative in higher education include establishing the multimedia studio, building the capacity of staff and students, adopting an enterprise-level Learning Management System (LMS), developing quality digital content, and institutionalizing e-learning supported with legal frameworks. The promotion of e-learning is one of the prior activities of the intervention and will be followed by capacity building training programs.

Dr. Tariku Sime, Director for eLearning, briefed the status of e-learning at JU and mentioned that JU is the pioneer in introducing e-learning. However, capacity building has been one of the main challenges to institutionalizing e-learning, and the e-SHE initiative could be an opportunity to invigorate staff with proper training and ongoing support leading to successful e-learning experiences.
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