Jimma University is hosting a workshop on: “Pathway to Global Accreditation of Architecture, Engineering and Computing Programs at Jimma University” in collaboration with Texas Tech University, USA at Jimma Technology Institute.
For the past two years, Jimma University has been working on the accreditation of 13 Engineering, Computing and Architecture programs with the intention of internationalizing their curricula.
In view of this, JU has been working with two prestigious and internationally known accreditation agencies: Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) and National Architecture Accreditation Board (NAAB). JU’s effort to receive ABET program accreditation is intended to ensure quality, enhance employability, transfer credits, acquire professional licensure and certification, obtain global recognition, and access more funding and resources.
Institutions with ABET-accredited programs are more likely to receive government funding, grants, and other financial resources. This can lead to improved facilities, increased research opportunities, and better support for students and faculty.
Prof. Saif Haq and Prof. Stephen Ekwaro-Osire are the resource persons for the workshop. Prof. Haq is a full-time Professor in Architecture at Texas Tech University (TTU). He focuses on Architectural Theory, Urban Design, Vernacular Architecture, Non-Western Architecture, Spatial Cognition, Space Syntax, and more recently, Health & Wellness Design. He has taught in each of these areas, led research and published in leading international journals, and in turn, has been cited by major authors. Prof. Ekwaro-Osire is the interim associate dean for undergraduate studies at Whitacre College of Engineering at Texas Tech University (TTU). He is a full-time professor of Mechanical Engineering and a licensed professional engineer in the State of Texas. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He is also a Fellow of the Society of Design and Process Science, as well as a Fulbright Scholar alumnus. He has over ten years of experience in educational leadership at TTU.
The workshop will continue until March 24 2023.