Call for Proposals on COVID-19 (To: All Interested Staff Members of Jimma University)


The COVID-19 pandemic has huge health, economic, social, political, cultural, behavioral, and other impacts. To enhance the prevention and control of the pandemic, Jimma University has arranged a special research and innovation grant scheme. To this end, proposals from different fields of study and from multidisciplinary team are highly encouraged. The University invites and encourages researchers, innovators and developers to submit proposals individually or (preferably) in team-based approach on:

• Operational and Basic Researches related to COVID-19 outbreak
• Systematic Review and Meta-analysis related to COVID-19 outbreak
• Production or Re-purposing of items to be used for COVID-19 outbreak prevention and control
• Innovative and adoptive technologies, tools, kits, etc., used in COVID-19 outbreak diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control
• Policy briefing synthesized from empirical research
For proposal submission:  May 7, 2020; at 5:00PM 
For Review of proposals: May 15
Notification of Accepted Proposals: May 18
Contact Person: 
Send your proposal to: (Dr. Tesfaye Gebeyehu); Phone: +251936373884
Cc to: (Professor Delenasaw Yehwalaw) and (Prof. Sultan Suleman)
Notice 1: Proposals that have not been directly submitted to the Office of VPRCS do not get recognition by the same office.
Notice 2: The Office of VPRCS manages submitted proposals with Jimma University Research and Innovation Task Force (RITF) for COVID-19 Outbreak Response.
Notice 3: The link of Proposal Templates will be notified on the University’s Website or Facebook       
The Office of the Vice President for Research and Community Services, Jimma University
                     Format for Proposal Writing