The office of the Vice President for Research and Community Services hereby announces the second call for community service project proposals. For the second call, the office is seeking applications at college/institute level to be reviewed and selected by a panel of experts that would be nominated for the review and selection at college level by the dean of colleges/institutes. The proposed community service projects must be aimed at addressing felt needs and problems of the local community. The call is open to all interested academic staffs of JU and shall be coordinated and managed by the office of Community Services and Engagement. We are inviting for submission of full-fledged proposals outlining technical aspects of the project.
Important Points to consider during the development of the proposal:
- The project shall be a one-year project and should be aligned with one of the themes listed below
- The projects have to emanate from the community, should be focused towards solving pressing community’s needs/problems, improving the living conditions of the community
- Community contribution towards the project is an added advantage for consideration
- Projects geared towards technology transfer or innovative solutions to address community problem are preferable
Themes allowed for the call include
Agriculture and food security, Natural resources and environment, Health, Education, Socioeconomics, law and governance, Culture, history, and tourism, Renewable energy, and Cross-cutting issues
The proposal should include:
Cover page with title of the community service project and project developers, Executive summary of the project, Experience of the project developers, Background and justification, Project objectives, Approaches/methodology, Milestones and deliverables, Beneficiaries, The project team, Expected outcomes (s), Project partners/collaborators, stakeholders, (and their roles), community engagement plan (SWOT Analysis, if any), Sustainability of the project outcomes/exit strategies, Project duration and time schedule, Facilities and funding, Budget (indicative), Project log frame, Project implementation popularization strategy, Consent (Support letters from partners), and References
- You can request for the full proposal format via email from the director at: OR download from
- Project developers whose proposal were not selected last year are encouraged to submit them this year
Deadline for Submission of the proposal: November, 15, 2018
Venue: Office of V/President for Research and Community Services/Office of Director for Community Services and Engagement.