Gadaa Journal, a multidisciplinary bilingual (English & Afaan Oromoo) journal of the Institute of Oromoo Studies (IOS) invites interested researchers to submit scholarly manuscripts pertinent to the popular musician, activist, Hero and the Icon of determination and courage, Haacaaluu Hundeessaa.
On August 5, 2020 Jimma University conducted a memorial ceremony in honor of Haacaaluu Hundeessaa. On the event, the Iconic popular singer was recognized as a voice of optimism, unity, peace and justice beyond his being a voice for the people. On the event, Jimma University management has endorsed different academic practices that contribute towards sustaining the legacy of the multi-talented Hero. Accordingly, the University has dedicated a special issue of Gadaa Journal of the Institute of Oromo Studies and to publish articles focusing on Hacaaluu Hundeessa’s contributions. Therefore, contributors from various disciplines are kindly invited to submit their empirical and scientifically valid manuscripts as per the standard and requirements of Gadaa Journal to be published in print and online for January 2021. Hence, scholarly articles that investigate the literary merits of his lyrics, the historical accounts depicted in his lyrics and themes pertinent to the works of Haacaaluu Hundeessaa are welcome! We accept the submissions until October 31, 2020.
Papers from the following and related areas are required:
- Form and content in Haacaalu Hundeessaa’s Lyrics
- The Depiction of Historical Narratives in Hacaalu’s Lyrics
- Cultural and Political Discourses in Haacaalus’ Lyrics
- The Role of Haacaaluu in the Struggle for Justice and Equality
- Stylistic Analysis of Hacaaluu’s Lyrics
- Discourse and Rhetorical Analysis of Haacaalu’s Lyrics
- Stage Performance and Musical Analysis of Haacaaluu Hundeessaa Works
- A critical Discourse Analysis of Haacaaluu Hundeessaa’s Interviwes
The submission is online and contributors should visit and register.
For further information about the journal or the procedures of its publication, please use the following address:
Website –
Authors must use the bibliographic and formatting standards set out by Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition, 2010.
Note that the online submission is always open for our regular publication of September and June, now on its 4th Volume.