International conference marking the launching of Ethiopian Society of Post-Harvest Management (ESPHM) is scheduled for November 24-25, 2017. The conference is organized by the society in collaboration with Jimma University and other stakeholders.
Conference Venue: Addis Ababa (specific location will be notified in due course)
Theme: “Post-Harvest Management (PHM) for Food Security and Sustainable Development: A Missing Link but Viable Approach”
Sub-Themes (For both Plant and Animal Sectors):
1.Post-harvest management policies and strategies
2.Food and nutrition security
3.Agro-processing and value-addition
4.Produce quality and safety
5.Loss reduction strategies
6.Gender and PHM
7.PHM and climate change
8.Marketing and value-chain
9.Post-harvest mechanization
10.Entrepreneurship and product development
11.Local practices in PHM
Full write-up manuscripts, following standard scientific writing (IMRAD), should be submitted the latest by September 30, 2017. The maximum length of the full write-up (including tables, figures and references) should not exceed TEN pages, single spaced, Times New Roman, 12 font size in MS word doc or docx. Manuscripts accepted for oral presentation will be published in the ESPHM Proceedings. Papers should be sent by e-mail to the addresses below.
All professionals working in areas of post-harvest management, post-harvest technology, Food Science and Technology and other related fields that can fall under the above sub-themes are cordially invited to participate.
ESPHM: Refers equally to plant and animal sectors
Return Address: Dr. Yetenayet Bekele, Chief Editor ESPHM; Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine.
E-mail:; Phone: +251-917-801108