Call For Papers (Deadlines Modified)
The Institute of Oromo Studies (IOS) and Institute of Gada Studies (IGS) of Jimma and Haramaya Universities respectively-are jointly organizing 5th International Conference of Oromo Studies on the Grand Theme entitled Oromo in the Horn of African Discourse: Past and Present. The Conference will be tentatively held from 12-13 May 2022 at Haramaya University Main Campus. The conference welcomes abstracts with full length paper from scholars around the world.
The Conference welcomes research papers that examine various discourses of/on Oromo from multidisciplinary areas, focusing on contemporary discourses on indigenous democratic Gada System of government, economy, history, socio-culture, and literature. The research papers, which explore the discourse and practices of Ethiopian Federal system as an opportunity and challenge from the perspectives of Ethiopia and wider East African geopolitical landscape¬- are among the priority areas of the conference. The Conference aims to bring together prominent academic scientists and researchers to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of discourses mentioned above. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent trends, and concerns as well as practical roots of challenges and suggest feasible solutions to points of divergence in Ethiopia.
Research Papers which scrutinize the following sub-themes are welcome;
• Debate on structure of Gadaa System vis-à-vis western institutions;
• Gadaa Grades & Gadaa Cycle and Qadadduu (alliances) among parties;
• Buttaa: parties power transfer & succession ceremony and Gadaa military organization;
• Buqqisuu: mid-term deliberations & impeachment of the incumbent Gadaa leaders;
• Gadaa and Qaalluu Institutions: Overlapping and Divergent roles;
• Decentralization of power in Gadaa: Confederacy to local levels;
• Debate on Gender Roles in Gadaa: Ateetee, Siiqqee, etc.
• Aesthetic values in Gadaa and its role as learning (education) center;
• Gadaa legislations on peace, environment, human & animal rights;
• Discourse on externally & internally-generated changes to Gadaa and its revitalization;
• Adopting the best practices of Gadaa to modern institutions;
• Federalism in Ethiopia and its Implications for the Horn;
• Oromo in the Economy of Ethiopia & the Horn;
• Oromo History, Literature & Arts in Ethiopia & the Horn;
• Other related issues to grand theme and sub-themes stated above could be entertained.