Introduction to senior surgeons and Orthopedic residents
Michael gave a brief introduction of himself to the senior surgeons and the residents in the morning session. He spoke about his background in management and his relationship to Pele and Gostar and his current role in the foundation.
Michael speaking to the residents and senior surgeons during the morning session.
Tour of the new building.
Major talking points:
Large amount of traffic in the wards-In the past week, there has been a significant improvement in the amount of people in the wards mainly due to security personnel at the entrance controlling the number of people in and out.
Additional security and nursing personnel-To keep the ward running efficiently and at the required standard, additional security and nursing staff will need to be employed.
Hygiene control concept. A practical hygiene control concept must be developed for infection control.
Meeting with Quality control director. Dr Selamawit
Major talking points:
Amount of people in the wards-Michael highlighted that it was important to come up with a system where the amount of people in the wards could be controlled. This could possibly be done through a card system controlled by the security personnel at the main entrance.
Michael also noted that it is important to take note of the culture and the fact that a shift will happen gradually and overnight but it needs to be done and
Hygiene concept /quality guidelines -These will be finalised in the next two months .Dr Tolasa will be the team leader in collaboration with the Quality control team. Michael will be also added to a Telegram group with both groups.
The Gostar vision was also shared with the Quality control director through a PowerPoint presentation.
Meeting with Chief Clinical Director, Dr. Fetiya
Michael thanked Dr Fetiya for facilitating move to the hospital and for all her assistance to Gostar and the project.
Michael gave an introduction of himself and his background. Brief explanation of Gostar vision to Dr.
Fetiya through the PowerPoint presentation.
Major talking points:
Major gaps that need to be addressed in the new building:
Elevator-An order has already been made and the elevator is set to be delivered in the next four months and installation done in that time period. (April-May 2023).
Generator -Both parties primarily agreed that the generator is primarily the University`s responsibility. The University engineer (Mohammed) estimated the cost at approximately USD 200,000 and promised to present a quote to Gostar.
Pamphlets and Posters in new ward-The Orthopaedic department will work together with the Health Education department to come up with information on hygiene control e.g., posters and pamphlets in the local languages (Amharic and Oromifa).
Hygiene nurse -Dr Fetiya noted that in September 2022, Dr Pele had pledged to provide a hygiene nurse for training with the local nurses. The department is waiting upon the hygiene nurse so that they can begin the training process.
On Saturday evening, Michael invited Dr Netsanet, Dr Fetiya and the senior surgeons to a dinner at the Gostar guesthouse.
Guests sitting around the dinner table and enjoying some drinks.
MONDAY 16TH JANUARY 2023: Meeting with Hospital CEO-Dr Ahmed
Introduction and Salutations:
Mr Michael Weller gave a brief introduction of himself and his role in Gostar.
He also gave a brief explanation of the vision of Gostar.
Dr Ahmed thanked Gostar for their role in Jimma hospital and outlined that the project not only benefits Jimma hospital and Ethiopia, but East Africa as a whole.
Major Talking points:
Elevator–According to Hospital management, the Elevator will be installed in the new building in the next four months.
Generator-The existing generator is already working at full capacity in powering the main hospital. Gostar will contribute the equivalent of USD 15,000 -20,000 towards the purchase of a new generator, however, this will be dependent on a 7million birr investment for the purchase of a new generator by the University and is also subject to the Elevator installation.
Dr Ahmed stated that, as a temporary measure, a generator can also be fixed from the
existing hospital stock to power the orthopedic department while we wait for the new generator to be installed.
Hygiene concept–The Orthopedic department will need to develop a better admission system in order to reduce the amount of people in the corridors and wards.
Staff shortage -Gostar is willing to bridge the shortage of security and nursing staff as a temporary measure until the staff shortage is over.
Budget constraints-According to Dr Ahmed, because of the war in the Northern part of Ethiopia that went on in the last two years, the hospital budget is severely constrained and adjustments will have to be made to accommodate all the necessary items required in the new building.
MOU-Dr Ahmed supports the concept of Gostar sponsors being highlighted in the wards of the new building. This will be key for sustainable donations and funding in the future.
X-ray spare parts-Gostar will assist in the procurement of spare parts that are currently not working and this is being done through Alexander Riefer, a biomedical engineer who has visited Jimma and will be back in March 2023.He is also in consultation with Jimma local biomedical engineers.
Gostar and Jimma hospital working relationship-Dr Ahmed outlined that there is a good working relationship between the foundation and the hospital and he is committed to continue to support Gostar and its vision.
Meeting with Jimma University President -Dr Jamal
Dr Tolasa organised a meeting with Dr Jamal, the University President, in order to update him on the Gostar vision and future projects and to continue to foster the relationship between Gostar and Jimma University.
Michael met with the University president, Dr Jamal for formal introductions and was presented with a gift from the University.
Dr Jamal pledged to continue to support Gostar and stated that his door is always open and he will assist if there are any problems. In addition, also present were Dr Netsanet- Vice President and the Director for External communications.
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