Jimma University planted 10,535 apple seedlings in the five highland areas of Jimma zone.

As part of Southwestern Oromia Agricultural transformation initiatives and green legacy week, Jimma University planted 10,535 apple seedlings in the five highland areas of Jimma zone. The five districts, namely, Dedo, mancho, Omonada, Setema and Sigmo Woreda were benefited in this initiatives. Golden Dorsett varieties having resistant rootstock of MM111 were opted as the best suitable variety for these Woredas.  A total of 250 farmers were trained and well equipped on overall management of apple seedlings. Apple farming has been started at Ilala Technology Villages of Jimma University as pilot project before three years. The pilot project was highly successful and farmers have started generating income from it. We expect more apple fruits in Jimma Market soon.

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