Research Areas
TIDRC aimed primarily but not exclusively undertake research on:
- Vector-borne and other infectious diseases
- Pathogen Detection and host-pathogen interaction
- Vector monitoring and surveillance system
- Vector Control tools
- Insecticide Resistance and its management
- Host immunity and disease transmission
- Development and evaluation of tools for disease diagnosis
- Identification of candidate antigens
- Environment/Health Impact Assessment
- Malaria clinical trials
- Climate change and emerging and resurging diseases
- Emerging and Resurging infectious diseases
Selected Publications
Dana D, Debalke S, Mekonnen Z, Kassahun W, Suleman S, Getahun K, Yewhalaw D (2015). A Community-based cross-sectional study of the epidemiology of onchoserciasis in unmapped villages for community directed treatment with ivermectin in Jimma zone, southwestern Ethiopia. BMC Public Health DOI 10.1186/s12889-015-1888-
Lo E, Yewhalaw D, Zhong D, Zemene E, Degefa T, Tushune K, Ha M, Ming-Chieh Lee C, James AA, Yan G (2015). Molecular epidemiology of Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum malaria among Duffy-positive and Duffy-negative populations in Ethiopia. Malaria Journal (In Press)
Degefa T, Zeynudin Z, Gudiso A, HaileMichael Y, Eba S, Zemene E, Emana D, Birlie B, Tushune K, Yewhalaw D (2015). Malaria incidence and assessment of entomological indices among resettled communities in Ethiopia: a longitudinal study. Malaria Journal doi: 14:24 DOI 10.1186/s12936-014-0532-z
Yewhalaw D, Hamels S, Getachew Y, Torgerson PR, Anagnostou M, Legesse W, Kloos H, Duchateau L, Speybroeck N. (2014). Water Resources Development in Ethiopia: Benefits and Negative Impacts on the Environment, Vector-Borne Diseases and Food Security. Environmental Reviews 22(4):364-371.doi: 10.1139/er-2013-0076
Yewhalaw D, Asale A, Getachew Y, Duchateau L, Speybroeck N (2013). Growing Insecticide Resistance and Outdoor Transmission: Potential Roadblocks for Growing Malaria Control Efforts in Ethiopia. Pathogens and Global Health 107 (8): 437
Duchateau L, Getachew Y, Asale A, Speybroeck N, Yewhalaw D (2013). Avoiding the Trap of Randomization in Evaluating Mosquito Trapping. Pahogens and Global Health 107(8): 437.
Andemo A, Yewhalaw D, Alemayehu B, Ambelu A (2014). Evaluation of the mosquitocidal effect of Birbira (Mellitia ferruginea) seed extract against Anopheles arabiensis (Diptera: Culicidae) from Ethiopia. Acta Tropica 136: 68-73
Asale A, Getachew Y, Hailesilassie W, Speybroeck N, Duchateau L, Yewhalaw D (2014). Evaluation of the Efficacy of DDT Indoor Residual Spraying and Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets against Insecticide Resistant Population of Anopheles arabiensis Patton (Diptera: Culicidae) from Ethiopia Using Experimental Huts. Parasites & Vectors 7: 131
Mereta ST, Yewhalaw D, Boets P, Ahmed A, Duchateau L, Speybroeck N, De Meester L, Goethals PLM (2013). Physico-chemical and biological characterization anopheline larval habitats (Diptera: Culicidae): Implications for malaria control strategies. Parasites & Vectors 6: 320 (Highly accessed)
Hamu H, Debalke S, Zemene E, Birile B, Mekonnen Z, Yewhalaw D (2013). Isolation of Intestinal Parasites of Public Health Importance from Cockroaches (Blattella: Germanica) in Jimma Town, Southwestern Ethiopia, Journal of Parasitology Research (In Press).
Getachew M, Tafess K, Zeyundin A, Yewhalaw D (2013). Prevalence of Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis and Malaria Co-infection among Pregnant Women and Associated Risk Factors in Gilgel-Gibe dam area, Southwest Ethiopia. BMC Research Notes 6: 263, DOI: 10.1186/1756-0500-6-263
Yewhalaw D, Yehenew Getachew, Kora Tushune, Kifle W/Michael, Wondwossen Kassahun, Luc Duchateau, Niko Speybroeck (2013). The Apparent Effects of Dams and Season on Malaria Incidence and Anopheles Abundance in Ethiopia. BMC Infectious Diseases 13: 161 doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-13-161, (Highly accessed)
Getachew Y, Janssen P, Yewhalaw D, Spebroeck N, Duchateau L (2013). Coping with time and space in modeling malaria incidence: a comparison of survival and count regression model. Statistics in Medicine Doi:10.1002/sim.5752
Getachew M, Yewhalaw D, Tafess K, Getachew Y, Zeinedin A (2012). Anaemia and associated risk factors among pregnant women in Gilgel-Gibe dam area, Southwest Ethiopia. Parasites & Vectors 5: 296
Zemene E, Yewhalaw D, Abera S, Belay T, Samuel A, Zeynudin A. (2012). Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and associated risk factors among pregnant women in Jimma Town, Southwest Ethiopia. BMC Infectious Diseases 12:337
Yewhalaw D, Asale A, Tushune K, Getachew Y, Duchateau L, Speybroeck N (2012). Bio-efficacy of selected long-lasting insecticidal nets against pyrethroid resistant Anopheles arabiensis from south-western Ethiopia. Parasites & Vectors 5 (1):159 (Highly accessed)
Yewhalaw D, Wassie F, Steurbaut W, Spanoghe P,Van Bortel W, Denis L, Dejene Tessema DA, Getachew Y, Coosemans M, Duchateau L, Speybroeck N (2011). Multiple insecticide resistance: an impediment to insecticide-based malaria vector control program. PLoS ONE 6 (1) e16066: doi: 10. 1371/journal.pone.0016066
Yewhalaw D, Van Bortel W, Denis L, Coosemans M, Duchateau L, Speybroeck N (2010). First evidence of high knockdown resistance frequency in Anopheles arabiensis (Diptera: Culicidae) from Ethiopia. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 83(1): 122-125
Yewhalaw D, Kassahun W, Woldemichael K, Tushune K, Sudhakar M, Kaba K, Duchateau L, Van Bortel W, Speybroeck N (2010). The influence of the Gilgel-Gibe hydroelectric dam in Ethiopia on caregivers’ knowledge, perceptions and health seeking behavior towards childhood malaria. Malaria Journal 9:47
Yewhalaw D, Legesse, W, Van Bortel W, G/Selassie S, Kloos H, Duchateau L, Speybroeck N (2009). Malaria and water resource development: the case of Gilgel-Gibe hydroelectric dam in Ethiopia. Malaria Journal 8:21 (Highly accessed)
Yewhalaw D, Getu E, Seyoum E (2008). Evaluation on the potential of wild hosts for the management of gramineous stemborers in maize based agro-ecosystem. Journal of Economic Entomology 101(1): 50-55
Yewhalaw D, Gebreselassie S, Legesse W, Kloos H (2007). Human myiasis in endemic areas of southwestern Ethiopia: Prevalence, knowledge, perceptions and practices. Ethiopian Journal of Health Development 21(2): 166-172.
Yineger H, Yewhalaw D, Teketay D (2008). Ethnomedicinal Plant knowledge and practices of the Oromo ethnic group to manage human ailments in southwestern Ethiopia. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 4:11.
Yineger H, Yewhalaw D, Teketay D (2008). Plants of veterinary importance in southwestern Ethiopia: The Case of Gilgel –Ghibe Area. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 18:165-181
Yineger H, Yewhalaw D (2007). Traditional medicinal plant knowledge and use by local healers in Sekoru district, southwestern Ethiopia. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 3(1):24.
Birile B, Getachew Y, Yewhalaw D (2012). Modeling Time-to Malaria Comparison of Cox and Fraility Model. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-3-659-197111-6.
Tropical and Infectious Diseases Research Center (TIDRC) |