Brief History
The mycobacteriology laboratory of Jimma University was established as part of IUC-JU collaborative research project between Jimma University and consortium of Flemish Universities from Belgium. The establishment began in 2009 and became operational in November 2010.
The laboratories activities are mainly focused on basic research, training and service in the field of Mycobacteriology. The research component of the laboratory is mainly on basic and applied research which ranges from optimization of detection methods to molecular level research. The laboratory is also open for training on mycobacteriology techniques up on request by academic departments. It is involved in the provision of service to the patients as a part of national Mycobacteriology laboratory network.
Available technologies
Fluorescent Microscopy, Culture to detect M. tuberculosis using solid media (Lowenstein-Jensen and Middlebrooke media), Culture to detect M. tuberculosis using BACTEC MGIT 960 TB detection system, Antibiogram on solid media (Lowenstein-Jensen) and liquid media using BACTEC MGIT 960 TB detection system and GeneXpert MTB/RIF (molecular automated MTB detection and resistance profiling against rifampicin).
Technologies soon to be available at the laboratory
- Spoligotyping facility – for molecular typing of M. tuberculosis
Currently ongoing projects
- Drug resistance among re-treatment cases.
- Added value of BACTEC MGIT liquid culture in diagnosis of TB lymphadenitis.
- Tuberculosis in diabetic patients.
- Optimization of GeneXpert for diagnosis of TB in Ethiopia.
Contact : Gemeda Abebe ( PhD)
Tel. +251911991285
POBox 744, Jimma, Ethiopia.