Jimma University Student Union Club
The union has various clubs which enable the students to promote and assist welfare, social , educational and cultural activities. The union is the responsible body which works for the rights of the students regardless of their race, creed, colour, gender orientation and physical disabilities.The president and the vice president of the students union are the members of the university senate.
Structures of the Club
Each club of the JUSU may have common areas up on which they come together, discuss, and contribute their share for achieving the designed common interest of the union. In addition to that each clubs also engaged in different fields of activities which are planned for achieving specific purpose. Based on the subjectivity of different fields of activities to each club, every club consists of its own internal and external structure.
Each club possesses its own rule and principle for administrating the member, controlling and managing the proposed activities. Such internal rule and procedure of each club plays a prominent role in organizing coordinating and managing the students, Anti institutions the staffs, and the communities of the campus for the purpose of achieving the desired effect.
The rules and principles of each is also structured in conformity to the administrative rules and principles of the JUSU and the (University). Accordingly, it has a great contribution in achieving the desired effects of the union and the university in general.
The Most Active Clubs of the Students Union are:
- Arts Club
- The Charity Club
- Anti AIDS Movements Club
- Sports Club
- Gender Club
- Peer Mediation
- Nature and Environmental Club
- Mini Media Club
- Peace, Love and Unity Club
- Students Volunteer Security Service
- Youth, Leadership, Ethics and Anti Corruption Club
- Science and Technology Club
- Oromo’s Cultural, History and Language Development Club
Each club of the union involves the following particular areas of performances:
1. Arts Club
This club has great role in building and producing mentally talented persons. It handles and enhances individuals to show the practical performance of their talent or capacities and competence. It also contributes a lot by teaching individuals through entertainment and by promoting each person to participate in their fields of knowledge in literature, music and other similar actions.
2. The Charity Club
As its name implies this club is committed to help (aid) the students and the people in general. It assists every needy person to the maximum possible effort by providing material and psychological assistance for survival and long term relief of the person.
3. Anti AIDS Movements Club
Currently, this club is contributing a lot in bringing about behavioral change of human beings. It is paying a great effort on creting pre awareness on the cause, and effects of the VIRUS and then rendering counseling service for the psychological relevance of the affected person in and outside of the university.
4. Sports Club
5. Gender Club
This club also plays its own share in and out of the campus by fighting against gender discrimination. It contributes an important effort in bringing about attitudinal change of the community forwards the avoidance of the historical and traditional influences of the gender discrimination. It is established to fight socially attached factors, which create in equality on the basis of sex.
6. Peer Mediation
7. Nature and Environmental Club
It is one part of JUSU club which undertakes an activity on the conservation and maintenances of the natural environment.
It concentrates on the campaign against environmental pollution and natural degradation Due to the fact that environmental problem is the burning issues of global community the club is desired to implement the concerning environmental policies, regulations, laws and treatise of the nation by organizing students and other societies for the achievement.
8. Mini Media Club
9. Peace, Love and Unity Club
This is a club which is established for bringing about and strengthening unity within diversity of the whole community.
It brings individual’s recognition of others differences and living together in peace and love by appreciating the existing value of common interest.
10. Students Volunteer Security Service
This club is established for securing and protecting the normal and lawfully life of the communities in the campus in particular and outside of the campus in general it contributes a great role in achieving the order of the campus and safe guarding the relationship between and among the communities.
11. Youth, Leadership, Ethics and Anti Corruption Club
It is a club which is established and engaged in organizing the youth for playing leader ship role so as to fighting every corruptive activity within the club and outside of the club in general. It plays prominent role in investigating and exposing corruption.
12. Science and Technology Club
This club is oriented towards the creation and promotion of technological advancements in the community. Under this club each members, individuals or communities of the campus and others are advised and trained to adopt their plan, attitude, works and potentials in accordance with the new emerging technological foundation and scientific thinking.
13. Oromo’s Cultural, History and Language Development Club
It is established and engaging in activities of promoting and preserving the cultural values and historical heritages of the Oromo people and developing its language.
It also contributes a crucial role in discovering and teaching the culture, History and language of the Oromo to other nations, nationalities and peoples through direct means of teaching and indirect mechanisms