Jimma University Information Communication Technology Development Director Office
The creation of a solid and comprehensive system of information and communication technology is critical to the development and operations of any institution. Jimma University recognizes this, and through a variety of initiatives has become proactive in ensuring that the institution has adequate and the most up-to-date ICT infrastructure for operations in the 21st century. Jimma University, through its ICT department as well as various ICT related activities of the Jimma Institute of Technology and other departments is ensuring that the rapid spread of information and the holding of large amounts of data will be foundational to the operations of the university.
Jimma University has a number of ICT facilities, and each year the institution is making progress towards ensuring that all of its students have the most up to date and relevant computer skills for the work force. Jimma University has numerous computer labs and we are seeing that the majority of our students are becoming more equipped with personal technological necessities including personal smart phones, tablets, and laptop. Such personal technologies not only make the life a student and citizen easier but are also essential for success in a modern workforce. Jimma University is also ensuring that all students are receiving basic computer education in order to ensure that they are prepared for a wide variety of professional roles upon graduation.