Date of Birth – September 7/ 1962
Place of Birth – Estie, Gondar
1. Primary education:
-Elementary(1-6) Princess Tenagne Work School Gondar (1968-1972)
-High school: Grade 7-10 (1973-1976) at Haile Selassie I comp. Sec. School in Gondar and Grade 11-12 (1979-1980) at Tana Haik comp. High school in Bahirdar.
2. Higher education degrees
PhD in Environmental engineering from KU Leuven, Belgium (March 2014)
Master of Engineering (Meng) In Environmental science and Technology from International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (IHE), The Netherlands (Now UNESCO-IHE). Oct.2000- Sept. 2001
-Bsc. in Environmental Health from Jimma Institute of Health sciences (now Jimma University). Nov.1995-March 1998
-College diploma in sanitary science from Gondar College of medical sciences (GCMS), Gondar- Ethiopia. 1981-1983.
Teaching and Research
3. Research and publications
- Total publications as a whole – 24
- Number of publications since last promotion – 14
- Total publication as first author – 9
4. Major research area/s and contributions with a focus on visible effects in the community/ discipline:
- Waste water treatment technologies for institutes of higher learning and remediation of the Awetu-Kito drainage basin. Solid waste management and energy recovery from coffee waste.
5. Teaching and student supervising
Specializations / specific courses offered
- Waste water engineering and treatment
- Advanced wastewater treatment
- Environmental Ethics
- Solid waste management
- Water and public health
6. Total service year (at JU+ other institutions)
- 31 years (3 years in Admin and 28 years in academic)
- Number of MA/MSc students supervised/co-supervised – More than 100
- Number of PhD students supervised/co-supervised – 5 from JU and 3 from AAU.
Academic administration, community service and National contributions
7. Academic administrative services
- Director for health training and consultancy of the institute of health
- A pioneer who sustained the generic BSc and opened the MSc program in Environmental health
- Acting head, CBE of Jimma University
- Coordinator of DTTP at University level
- Head school of Environmental Health
- Acting head, research and publications office
8. Community services
- A committee member who revised and revitalized CBE at JU
- One of the masterminds who transformed team training programs (TTP) to development team training programs (DTTP) at JU
- Participated in community based programs
- Participated in different committee work the university, residence and community school.
9. Different contributions in the university in both professional and nonprofessional areas;
1. CBE revitalization task force member -01 Yekatit 2011 to date.
2. PhD examination committee Chair – November 30/ 2018 – January 29/ 2019
3. PhD examination committee Chair – 11/10/2010 -20/05/ 2012
4. Vice Chairman for JU Apartment residents Sept. 2016 – Sept. 2018
5. Member of parents committee for JUCS – 2012 – 2013
6. One of the masterminds who developed CBE at JU
10. Visible contribution in the community:
1. One of the master minds who developed CBE and DTTP at JU.
2. Constructed an innovative and integrated rainwater harvesting technology for pastoralist communities in Arero District of Borena Zone by a project funded by USAID through resilient Africa Network – Knowledge transfer about the technology is also made through publication in a book chapter.
3. Constructed an onsite natural wastewater treatment technology for SOS Jimma Village and successfully prevented the pollution on Boye Pond in Jimma – This is still in use.
4. Advisory council member to the ministry of health in environmental Sanitation – developed and evaluated policies, guidelines and protocols for the sector.
5. Chaired the National COVID-19 IPC advisory council for the last 1 year
6. Urban Sanitation Sub team leader for the development of a master plan for the rehabilitation of the Awetu-Kito river basin for ministry of water irrigation and energy eco-hydrology project. Documentary by ETV produced.
7. Reviewed and enriched the draft Jimma Riverside Project.