Jimma University institute of health established the health training and consultancy office in November 2016 in recognition to the need for the attainment of the mission of producing high quality and competent multidisciplinary health care professionals through its community based educational philosophy. The health training and consultancy center is believed to fill critical gaps in service provision and professional committeemen through continuous professional development, training of health professionals to give compassionate, respectful and caring service, organize state of the art training programs to update current practices and emerging approaches in health service provision, develop training guidelines and ensure the quality of all in-service and pre service trainings in the institute.
By 2025, JUIH training and consultancy center will become a leading center in East Africa where training and consultancy in health meet together to create evidence based enabling environment that will lead to quality health service.
The mission of health training and consultancy service is to plan, coordinate, supervise and evaluate all health training activities that are running or supposed to run at the institute of health of Jimma University and provide consultancy service in training, research and community service in the health sector. Establishment of Joint and collaborative projects with national and international universities and institutions is also our priority.
To deliver its responsibility, JUIH Training and Consultancy Center will use the following strategies
- Work closely with National and Regional health bureaus and be ready to address their demand in producing CRC health professionals, to provide CPD and to provide short courses and trainings in current issues of public health and to improve the skills of clinical practice.
- Use experts in all fields of public health that plan to give training in specific disciplines
- Establish a panel of assessors to accredit or evaluate training setups and training materials
- Establish panel of experts (the composition of which will change from time to time based on the expertise needed for the subject area) to develop proposals for national and international consumption.
- Strengthen the office of the center with human power and logistic resources
- Enable the center to be cost center to support itself in running programs through service charges, fees and hall rent incomes.
Organization of the Training and Consultancy Center
The health training and consultancy center has a senior director who is accountable to the VP for institute of health of Jimma University.
The HTCC has four main wings which are coordinated by qualified academicians at the status of Director that report to the senior director for HTCC.
Human resources for the IH Training and Consultancy center at the moment is as listed below although it is supposed to change and increases as activities increase.
- Senior director ———————————————————–————— 1
- Directors (CPD, In-service training and Consultancy and quality control) —————————4
- Training center facilitator ——————————————————————1
- Secretary ——————————————————————————–1
- Training data manager (IT officer) ———————————————————–1
- Office boy/Girl —————————————————————————2
- Car with driver —————————————————————————1
Total staff ——————————————————————————-11
In addition to this the training center has fully furnished training halls,meeting/working rooms and smaller rooms for breakout sessions.
Contact details:
- Dr.Alemayehu Haddis,Senior director for health training and consultancy
- Email alemayehu.haddis@ju.edu.et mobile +251968595970
- Dr.Habtamu Sime,director for continuing professional development
- Email habtamu.sime@ju.edu.et/habtamusime@yahoo.com mobile +251934418224