Research to Commercialization (R2C) Training Week One

Community Based Education

The means of achieving educational relevance to community needs.

Research at Jimma University

Undertaking quality and problem solving research, serving and engaging communities.

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President Message

Welcome everyone!
Ashamaa, Anaa Dhufu!  Baga nagayaan dhuftan!! እንኳን በሰላም መጣችሁ!

To begin with a short story: Not so far from where we are now, there was a farmer named Abbaamaccaa Abbaadagaa Abbaalubbuu, also known as Abbaamacca Kiiloolee, who had a dream of aviation, perhaps basically because of the vast field called Kiiloolee near his house. He sent a land rover filled with money to the then king of Ethiopia to help purchase an airplane. The king graciously accepted the funds, hosted him for couple of days at his palace, and promised that an airplane would soon land in Kiiloolee. The plane never arrived to the field, however, Abbaamaccaa, who is now very old, worries he may not live to see his vision come true. Yet, close to his home, his dream continues to take shape, and here we are!The story of another great man, a pilot himself, named Mekonnen Bari, perhaps one of the very reasons for why we are here today, will also have to be briefly narrated here, and will be so by none other than his grandson, Capt. Abiy!!

Dr Jemal Abafita at rhe launching

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