Beakal Zinab Tefera

Beakal Zinab Tefera


Faculty of Public health, Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Full name:Beakal Zinab Tefera
Academic Rank : MSc, PHD fellow
Current Post, if any
College/institute:Health science
Department/Team: Nutrition and Dietetics
Field of specialization: Human Nutrition
Research interest: Maternal and child nutrition specially inclined to adverse fetal & early life determinants of later childhood & adulthood outcomes.

  1. Kalkidanhassen, BeakalZinab, Tefera Belachew. Gender and education as predictors of food insecurity among coffee farming households of the Jimma zone, South west of Ethiopia.Hassen et al. BMC Nutrition (2016) 2:75  DOI 10.1186/s40795-016-0116-0
  2. Melese S, Selam B, Beakal Z, Tefera B.  Undernutrition and its predictors among people living with HIV/AIDS attending antiretroviral therapy clinic in Jimma University Specialized Hospital.
  3. Romedan D, Dessalegn T, Beakal Z. Dietary Diversity and Its Association with Anemia among Pregnant Women Attending Public Health Facilities in Hossana Town, South Ethiopia.
  4. Beakal Zinab1 and Rukiya Debalke2. Acute glycemic level and its association with physical activity recommendation among type 2 diabetic patients in Illubabor zone oromiya, Ethiopia.
  5. ShuayibShemsu , Alemayehu Argaw and BeakalZinab. Dietary Practice and Nutritional Status Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care at Mettu Karl Referral Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia.
  6. Ageze Teshome, BeakalZinab,TekleWakjira, DessalegnTamiru.  Factors associated with food taboos among pregnant women in the Dimma district, Gambella, Ethiopia

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Phone: 0942623252
