MSc in Clinical Midwifery

Objectives of the program

General objective of the program

  • To produce competent MSc. clinical Midwives sufficiently equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage obstetrical, newborn and gynaecologic emergencies. 

 Specific objectives of the program 

  • To produce competent MSc. Clinical Midwife specialists
  • To equip graduates with the skills necessary to provide comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn care services
  • To produce competent graduates well-equipped with skills to manage common gynaecologic emergencies
  • To equip graduates with basic knowledge and skill in the management of common medically treatable Obs/Gyn emergencies.
  • To equip the graduate with the skills to handle intra and postoperative complications.
  • To equip MSc. clinical Midwives with professional, ethical and legal principles and values for quality of care 
  • To equip trainees with the relevant knowledge and skills to conduct problem solving research, evidence-based practice and clinical audits
  • To equip trainees with the principles and qualities to involve in health care leadership, communication and educations

Entry Requirements

  • Hold first degree from accredited institutions in Bachelor of Science degree in Midwifery with cumulative GPA of 2.0 and above for both genders.
  • At least two years of clinical experience after the BSc award and should have acceptable professional conduct attested by references.  
  • Must pass the entrance examination prepared to assess the individuals’ competences and preparedness to pursue a graduate program. 
  • As the medium of instruction is English, applicants whose medium of instruction at secondary and/or higher education was not English would be required to produce a certificate of proficiency in English language 
  • Have full sponsorship from employing organization/self-sponsorship 
  • Candidate are 70% from clinical area and 30% from Higher Education Institution 

Duration of Study

  • MSc in Clinical Midwifery is a 2 ½ years program and courses are given in a year based and semester-based research thesis. To complete this program a student is expected to take 64 credit hours including research thesis.  

Graduate Profile

The MSc. in Clinical Midwifery curriculum is designed to expedite mastery of the following competencies; and after completing the program, graduates will provide:

Basic and Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Gynaecologic service

  • Provide comprehensive preconception care
  • Provide high quality basic and specialized Antenatal, labor, delivery and postnatal care services
  • Manage common medical and surgical disorders during pregnancy
  • Manage obstetrical and gynaecologic emergencies
  • Manage labor abnormalities, decide and initiate Induction and Augmentation of labor
  • Perform emergency operative vaginal procedures (Vacuum extraction, forceps and destructive deliveries).
  • Perform emergency caesarean section, emergency caesarean hysterectomy
  • Perform laparotomy for emergency gynaecologic conditions (tubal pregnancy, ovarian torsion, and cyst) 
  • Manage intraoperative and postoperative complications
  • Perform and evaluate diagnostic radiologic procedures for diagnosis and therapeutic purpose in obstetric and gynaecologic practice.
  • Perform newborn resuscitation
  • Identify newborns who require NICU admission and link accordingly
  • Manage 1st and 2nd trimester abortions
  • Demonstrate a sound decision making skill in clinical management of obstetric and gynaecologic emergencies
  • Provide comprehensive family planning including permanent methods

Academics, consultancy and training

  • Actively involved in the teaching / learning activities of health professional training in higher institutions and  training centers 
  • Involve in curriculum development and revision for programs related to RMNCAH
  • Apply principles of professionalism and competence in Qualification exam, Qualification standard and scope of practice development for midwifery and RMNCAH
  • Develop guidelines, protocols and training materials to improve continuous professional development in RMNCAH
  • Provide RMNCAH service mentoring and coaching to improve service delivery 

Research and evidence based practice

  • Formulate study questions which will contribute for the scientific community in the area of RMNCAH and others areas of interest 
  • Develop a research proposal that presents the study aims, scientific background, its significance and the methods for carrying out the study;
  • Collect, analyze, synthesize, and translate research data to generate evidence to help decision and practice.
  • Evaluate different models of midwifery care; apply evidence based practice and quality assurance through research and clinical audit.
  • Assess, identify and prioritizing contemporary issues in RMNCAH and design appropriate strategies 
  • Demonstrate ability to critically appraise and synthesize relevant research literature.
  • Identify researchable problems, demonstrate skills essential to research participation, disseminate findings, and articulate linkages among theory, research, and practice; 

Policy and Leadership/Management

  • Demonstrate effective technical as well as managerial leadership in the areas of RMNCAH service and program policy and leadership
  • Leaders capable of applying critical thinking and rigorous research methods to the complex practical problems facing practitioners and policy-makers in RMNCAH practice
  • Work with organizations on intra and Inter sectoral base to improve RMNCAH services
  • Demonstrate effective communication necessary to provide effective leadership in health policy and practice all levels
  • Engage in leadership and management  at different levels in the health sector 
  • Demonstrate supervision, policy making and advocacy roles
  • Appraise best strategies and challenges of reproductive, maternal, new-born, child and adolescent health/RMNCAH/ services
  • Develop problem solving projects

Graduation Requirements

  • A student must maintain at least ‘B’ for core courses,  
  • A maximum of one “C” in general and supportive courses is also eligible for graduation provided that CGPA is 3.0 and above
  • Students failing below this average or having unacceptable number of incomplete courses may be placed on probation or subjected to dismissal
  • No student can graduate with an“F”and/or“D” grades in any of the courses
  • A student cannot graduate with grade score of less than B (Good) for thesis work

Minimum number of successful procedural performance requirements for graduation by MSc. in Clinical Midwifery

Obstetrics and Gynecologic proceduresObserveAssistPerform
Breech delivery (Assisted/total)235
Cervical Cancer screening (VIA)3310
Postpartum IUCD335
Uterine evacuation (MVA, EVA, E&C, D&C)3510
Vacuum Extractions2210
Forceps delivery225
Manual removal of placenta235
Destructive vaginal deliveries  223
Repair of cervical tear234
Bilateral Tubal ligation after C/S233
Newborn resuscitation235
Obstetric Ultrasound51015
Advanced degree tear repair335
Emergency OB/GYN (Major procedures)
Emergency caesarean section51015
Emergency hysterectomy335
Laparotomy for gynecologic emergency235

Degree nomenclature
Up on successful completion of the training and fulfilling the graduation requirements, the graduate will be awarded“Master of Science Degree in Clinical Midwifery“in English and“የማስተር ሳይንስ ዲግሪ በክሊኒካል ሚድዋይፍሪ” in Amharic.
List and Semester Breakdown of Courses

SNoCourse codeCourse TitleCredit HoursCourse type 
LecturePracticeTotalGeneral  SupportiveProfessional 
1PGMw6011Professional Ethics11 X  
2PuHe6022Biostatistics33 X  
3PuHe6032Epidemiology22 X  
4PuHe6042Leadership, management and Governance in health22 X                    
5PGMw6051Reproductive health22  X 
6PGMw6062Clinical Audit11 x  
7Anat6072Human Anatomy213 X  
8Anat6082Human Embryology22 X  
9PuHe6092Research methodology22 X      
10Radi6101Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ultrasound112  X 
11Anes6111Obstetric Anaesthesia112  X 
12Surg6121Emergency Surgery224  X 
13PGMw7131Obstetrics235  X 
14Paed6141Neonatology213  X 
15PGMw7151Gynaecology and clinical practicum235  X 
16PGMw7161Operative Obstetrics and Gynaecology235  X 
17PgMw8171Internship1414  X 
18PgMw8181Research Thesis44  X 
                                                   Total credits                                          Total Total29356401648 

Course Schedule (Year Based)

Year I (Year Based) 
Sno.Course TitleCourse CodeCredit Hours
1.       Professional EthicsPGMw601111
2.       BiostatisticsPuHe602233
3.       EpidemiologyPuHe603222
4.       Leadership, management and Governance in HealthPuHe604222
5.       Reproductive HealthPGMw605122
6.       Clinical AuditPGMw606211
7.       Human AnatomyAnat6072213
8.       Human EmbryologyAnat608222
9.       Research methodologyPuHe609222
10.   Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ultrasound Radi6101112
11.   Obstetric AnaesthesiaAnes6111112
12.   Emergency SurgerySurg6121224
13.   NeonatologyPaed6141213
 Total 23629
Year II (Year Based) 
SNo.Module TitleCourse CodeCredit Hours
1.       ObstetricsPGMw7131235
2.       Gynaecology and Clinical PracticumPGMw7151235
3.       Operative Obstetrics and GynaecologyPGMw7161235
4.       InternshipPgMw71711414
 Total 62329
Year III (Year Based – 6 months)
SNo.Course TitleCourse CodeCredit Hours
1.       Research ThesisPgMw818144
 Total –           44