School of Midwifery
In order to address the severe shortage and skill gaps of Midwifery graduates, the Government of Ethiopia has scaled up midwifery education by expanding number of medical schools and annual student enrolment. Despite the significant step made to date, the midwife to population ratio continues to lag far behind the WHO benchmark of 1in10,000 warranting further scale-up of midwifery training. Furthermore, the quality of Midwifery graduates from training institutions lack the quality in which the country demands which makes them to deliver the necessary services quality as per the standards to the community.
Midwifery program was started under Nursing as units in Jimma University on 2003 E.C. Since then six batches of Midwifery professionals were graduated from our University. Department of Midwifery was established as independent department under Faculty of Health Science on 08 July, 2020 based on the decision of Jimma University Senate. The Midwifery department have 28 academicians and 5 administrative staffs.
Midwifery department aspires to be one of the premier departments in Ethiopia by 2025.
To train competent midwives who can provide sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (SRMNCH) services at national and international level and also undertaking quality and problem solving research, serving and engaging local, national, and global communities through its cherished and innovative Community Based Education (CBE).
- To equip midwifery students with solid knowledge of basic, clinical, behavioral, social and public health sciences for optimal care
- To equip midwifery students with clinical skills in order to provide effective care for women and their children
- To cultivate humanism in midwifery students in order to provide woman-centered compassionate, respectful and caring services
- To enable midwifery students to focus on national SRMNCH priorities
- To equip midwifery students with public health competencies in order to promote and protect sexual, reproductive and maternal health of women and their families
- To equip midwifery students with professional, ethical and legal principles and values for quality and acceptable care
- To prepare midwifery students to become health leaders, communicators and educators
- To equip midwifery students with the skills and attitude necessary for evidence-based practice and research
- To prepare midwifery students for inter-professional collaborative practice
- To inculcate in midwives, the ability for lifelong learning
- To prepare midwives for postgraduate training
Strategic Directions
Midwifery department have strategic direction of opening the following new post graduate programs:
1.MSc in Clinical Midwifery and MSc in Midwifery Education within the by 2022.
2.PHD in Midwifery and Women Health within the next five years.