About the Department
Anesthesia was one of the least addressed disciplines in the history of medical practice in Ethiopia. Foreign anesthetists who came from different countries of the Glob exclusively covered the Anesthesia Service in Ethiopia. Now, Anesthesia is one of the most important disciplines in the health delivery system.
It was in 1974 G.C., the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health agreed to open a School of Anesthesia for Nurses at the then Duke of Harar Memorial Hospital (Tikur Anbassa Hospital) in the capital city, Addis Ababa. By the end of 1976, eighteen Nurse Anaesthetists graduated after having had a formal training for two academic years. However, The School was closed when the representatives of World Health Organization (WHO) for the training left the country. The existing School of Anesthesia was re-organized in 1982 G.C by the Ministry of Health at the fourth Floor of Tikur Anbassa Hospital at a standard of advance diploma in nurse Anesthesia by recruiting nurses who had given service in the health sector.
The anesthesiology department at Addis Ababa University was established in 1990 G.C. Since the start of the postgraduate program, 34 anesthesiologists graduated from the department.
Anesthesia department has been launched on 2004 at Jimma University. In line with the training philosophy of the University, Community Based Education (CBE), teaching in the School accommodates adequate practical exposure in health institutions and community settings. As a strategy of CBE; Team Training Program (TTP), Community Based Training Program (CBTP) and Student Research Project (SRP) are among which our students of Anaesthesia are a lot benefiting. Final year students should do research which is funded by SRP, rather than doing literature reviews.
In its history it has graduated its first 22 students Bsc in anaesthesia degree s in 2007. The graduates were historical that they are the first Anaesthetist in the country who passed through community oriented training system. By 2016, the school graduated 241 students with Bsc in Anaesthesia Degree. The department has students on training: 30 1styear students, 26 2nd year ,31 3rdyear ,29 4th year (graduating class)
2014 November first residents started training at Jimma University, with 4 residents, subsequently one withdraw and one after finishing 1st year has joined cardiac anesthesiology in Israel. At the moment 10 residents in the 3rd year, 11 residents in the 2nd year and ten more to join residency.The department of anesthesia is also running an intensive care unit with 5 beds capacity
Mission and Objectives of the Program
- To produce competent Anesthesia professionals who will provide the full scope of
Anesthesia Service, as defined by the professional scope of practice, with good knowledge, clinical skills, Attitude and critical thinking abilities.
Program Goal
- To produce competent, compassionate, and committed anesthesiologists that will meet the present and future priority health needs of the Ethiopian population and fulfill international standards for medical education.
Specific Program Objectives
- To prepare anesthesiologists who provide high quality, culturally sensitive clinical service/care in a compassionate, respectful, ethical, and professional manner to individuals, families, and communities at all levels of the health system.
- To prepare anesthesiologists with a working knowledge of the theoretical basis of the specialty, including its foundations in the basic medical sciences and research.
- To prepare anesthesiologists with a performance that reflects knowledge of anesthesia, intensive care and resuscitation, the management of acute and chronic pain, including assessment and provision of appropriate care of the mother and neonate.
- To prepare anesthesiologists who are able to understand self, others, health care teams and the health system and who are able to lead and manage the health care system.
- To prepare anesthesiologists for lifelong learning (i.e. a commitment to autonomous maintenance and continuous improvement of competence).
- To prepare anesthesiologists who can effectively facilitate learning in their field of expertise and be a role model for learners.
- To prepare anesthesiologists who are able to advocate for society and professions.
- To prepare anesthesiologists who are able to conduct clinical, epidemiological, and operational research to improve clinical service and the health care system.
- To prepare anesthesiologists who are able to critically think, make decisions, frame and solve problems, and develop new solutions for new problems
Department of Anesthesia |