Masters Programs
- To produce integrated clinical and community mental health trainees with knowledge skills and attitudes in conducting comprehensive psychiatric assessments in children and adults competently, with sensitivity to cultural and gender issues both in health facility and community settings
- To equip integrated clinical and community mental health trainees with knowledge, skills and attitudes in identifying and managing mental disorders, severe mental disorders and substance related disorders.
- To enable integrated clinical and community mental health trainees identify and manage common medical problems in patients suffering from mental health problems
- To equip integrated clinical and community mental health trainees with communication skills to work with the community effectively.
- To enable integrated clinical and community mental health trainees develop research skills so that they will undertake studies to assess the mental health needs of a given community.
- To equip integrated clinical and community mental health trainees with sufficient understanding and practice of management and administrative skills that enable them take leadership in the developing mental health services.
- To improve up the capacity of the Department of psychiatry, Jimma University in terms of service provision and research.
Entry Requirements:
- The minimum admission requirements to join the Msc program are:
- An individual holding Bachelor of Science degree in the field of health (psychiatry professional, health officer, nursing and midwifery)
- A minimum of two years of clinical service preferably at primary care centre
- The applicant shall be in good state of mental health
- The applicant must pass the entrance examination of the Department of Psychiatry, Jimma University
- The applicant must fulfil the criteria set by the Senate Legislation for graduate admission.
Duration of Study:
The master’s program takes a total of two years. Each year of training comprises of training for a total of eleven months and one month of vacation.
Graduate Profile:
After successful completion of MSC in Integrated Clinical and Community Mental Health, the graduate will be able to have:
- Discuss the major categories and classification (including DSM V, ICD 10) of mental disorders
- Explain the presentation of common mental health problems and disorders across the age spectrum
- diagnose and manage psychiatric conditions
- Explain the main principles and indications for various modalities of psychological therapies and behavioural interventions.
- Describe a range of community-based resources and social sources for people with mental health problems.
- Analyses and evaluates patient data or test findings to diagnose nature or extent of mental disorder;
- Orders laboratory or diagnostic tests for patients to provide information on general physical condition or mental disorder;
- Prescribes, directs, or administers psychotherapeutic treatments or medications other treatment modalities to treat mental, emotional, or behavioural disorders.
- Designs individualized care plans, using a variety of psychiatric treatments
- Demonstrates a warm, empathic and respectful approach to patients and families
- Gives time uses active listening to integrate the patient’s and family’s perspective in the delivery of care.
- Fosters good working relationships with all health care colleagues and other individuals involved in the delivery of care.
- Demonstrates self-reflection on own practice
- Demonstrates an enduring commitment to maximize the function and wellbeing of the patient
- Advocates on mental health, fights stigma and discrimination.
- To provide necessary professional respectful and positive attitude for mental ill patients.
- Take a psychiatric history and perform a mental state examination
- Conduct a physical examination and neurological examination
- Provide curative, preventive and rehabilitative services at primary, secondary and tertiary level of health care system
- Diagnose and manage common medical diseases in patients with mental illness
- Educate and counsel families (care givers) of patients with psychiatric conditions
- Consult effectively with other health professionals and contribute to multidisciplinary team activities and to offer liaison psychiatry services.
- Recognize with resources available in the area and refer to specialized services when needed.
- Conduct psychiatric risk assessment and manage psychiatric emergencies effectively.
- keep accurate written medical records
- identify problems faced by patients and their families within the social and cultural context
- Apply the principles of ethical and professional practice of mental health care
- Promote mental health and prevent mental disorders in individual patients and society.
- Undertake mental health research in a given community and utilize the research findings as evidence based to improve the quality of mental health care provided to clients
- Apply different methodological skills and teaching aids in the teaching-learning process and evaluation techniques in the teaching institution.
- Take leadership in addressing mental health issues within complex legal and ethical context.
- Demonstrate the need for continuing learning for professional and personal enrichment
- Contribute for the development of profession
Graduation Requirements:
- To complete courses in a program and graduate, a candidate needs to obtain a minimum CGPA of 3.00 and a maximum of one “C” grade in any courses except in clinical psychiatry I, II and III However, students having two “C+” shall be allowed to graduate as long as the CGPA is not below 3.00.
- The candidate must have scored more than and equal to 70/B grade in clinical psychiatry I, II and III
- The candidate must successfully pass the final qualifying external examination.
- The candidate must successfully defend the research paper.
Degree nomenclature:
After successful completion of the training graduates will be awarded Master of Science in Integrated Clinical and Community Mental Health (MSc in ICCMH). “የማስተርስ ሳይንስ ዲግሪ በተቀናጀ አዕምሮ ጤና ህክምና ፕሮፌሽናል ስፔሻሊስት”.
List and semester breakdown of courses:
The MSC in integrated clinical and community mental health consists of courses on basic sciences pertaining to psychiatry; courses on clinical psychiatry; supervised clinical skills training, community-based education and research over a period of two years.
Courses for Year I Semester I | ||
Course name | Course Code | Credit hrs |
General adult psychiatry | Psyr 512 | 4 |
Applied neuroscience | Psyr 501 | 2 |
Psychopharmacology | Psyr 504 | 2 |
Ethics, Law and Professionalism in Psychiatry | Psyr 511 | 2 |
Clinical psychiatry –I | Psyr 521 | 6 (24 weeks) |
Courses for Year I Semester II | ||
Course name | Course code | Credit hrs |
Principles of psychotherapy | Psyr 612 | 3 |
Clinical Addiction psychiatry | Psyr 624 | 2 |
Biostatics | BIOS614 | 3 |
Research methods | ComH 731 | 2 |
Clinical Psychiatry II | Psyr 522 | 6 (24 wks) |
Courses for Year II Semester I | ||
Course name | Course Code | Credit hrs |
Child and Adolescent psychiatry | Psyr 513 | 3 |
Health Services Management | HSM 645 | 2 |
Developmental Team Training Program (DTTP) | MenH 621 | 4 ( 8wks) |
Clinical psychiatry III | Psyr 621 | 4 (16wks) |
Project Proposal | – |
Courses for Year II Semester II | ||
Course name | Course code | Credit hours |
Social work and Family assessment | Psyr 503 | 2 |
Special /Advanced topics in psychiatry | Psyr 611 | 2 |
Clinical Child and adolescent psychiatry | Psyr 623 | 2 (4wks) |
Consultation liaison psychiatry | Psyr 625 | 2(8 wks.) |
Clinical Psychiatry IV | Psyr 622 | Pass or Fail |
Thesis | MenH 611 | 6 |