Computer Centers:
- Graduate library has computer facility which is being commonly used.
Research Centers:
- Gilgel-Gibe Field Research Center (GGFRC) was established in 2005 to serve as field epidemiology laboratory for the graduate program. Currently, students use the data base of the center for their theses based on their needs and thesis objectives.
- Graduate library, which is well-furnished and connected to internet, is being used for the graduate students.
Online Services:
- JU eLearning platform is available for online courses delivery.
External Links:
The department has initiated collaboration between University of Southampton (UoS) and Jimma University. Thus, JU and UoS have have signed memorandium of understanding to collaborate in the following goals and objectives for the international partnership programme:
- Expanding links between faculties for education and research
- Exploring opportunities for joint applications for research funding
- Identifying the potential for shared educational activities, including teaching arrangements for postgraduate (MPH/PhD) programmes, joint supervision of postgraduate (MPH/PhD) projects and specialist input to research training
- Engaging in mutually beneficial training and skills transfer to fill short-term gaps and build sustainable long-term capability
- Seeking and facilitating opportunities for exchanges, online working and cooperation between students and faculty in disciplines of mutual interest
- Enhancing the quality and profile of research through endeavours to publish in high impact journals, conferences and web-casting
- The graduate program is mainly attached to the community as stakeholder via field epidemiology training, DTTP attachment where the students identify local health problems, involve the community, and work with the stake holders to intervene the health problems.
Research Partners:
- Staff involve in competitive multidisciplinary research activities, which include thematic research identified by JU, individual projects, and student research projects.
Governmental Organizations:
- The department works with different organizations such as the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) and regional health bureaus. For instance, the MPH in field epidemiology program is run in collaboration the mention organizations.
Thematic Areas & descriptions: Infectious/communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, and maternal, child and newborn health have been identified priority research themes of the department.
- Staff involve in competitive multidisciplinary research activities, which include thematic research identified by JU, and individual projects.
- All the graduate students are required to conduct rigorous researches on priority research areas and manage their projects with guidance of advisors (staff).
The department of epidemiology gives the following services based on demand:
- Need based in service trainings to locally and nationally recruited health professionals;
- Active involvement in response to epidemics at local and national levels;
- Participation in identifications, prioritizing and implementation of local community health problems through developmental team training program (DTTP);
- Professional services such as journal reviews, thesis/dissertation examinations, occasional lecturers to other universities;
- Consultancy works, etc.