
English Language and Literature

Full Name: Dr. Dagne Tiruneh

Nationality: Ethiopian

Academic Rank: associate professor

College/Institute: social sciences and humanities

Department/Team: English language and literature

Field of specialization: PhD in teaching English as a foreign language (tefl)

Research Interest: Researching Language Teaching; Language Acquisition and Language Learning; Researching Education; Trauma Informed Design in Education; Social Emotional Learning; Digital Literacy and the 21st Century Skills In Education, Using Technology in EFL Teaching


  1. English Language instructors’ beliefs about reflective teaching in EFL instruction: A mixed Method research. Journal of Educational Administration-Theory and Practice,2024,30(6); 01-15
  2. The Effect of Direct Written Feedback Paragraph Organization focused on English Major Students at Bonga College of Teacher Education. Journal Xidian University,Vol.17,Issue 11, 2023,pp.11-127
  3. The Effect of Direct Written Feedback on the Writing Correctness of English Major  students at Bonga College of Teacher Education. Gradiva  Review Journal, vol.9,issue 8,August 2023
  4. The Effect of reflection supported learning of writing on students’ writing performance and writing self- efficacy(Asian-Pacific Journal of SL and FL)
  5. The effect of reflection supported learning of writing on students’ writing attitude and writing achievement goal orientations (Asian-Pacific Journal of SL and FL)
  6. Grade 11 Students’ Writing Strategies Use Vi-z-a-Viz Learning Style Preference: Public Secondary Schools in Jimma Town in Focus(EJSE)
  7. The Effect of Direct Written Feedback on Paragraph Organization Focused on English Majors at Bonga College of Education (Journal of Xidian University).
  8. The Relationship between EFL Students’ Speaking Strategies Use and their Speaking Proficiency: A Study on Wolaita Sodo University English Major Students (East African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities).
  9. The Influence of Gender and Study Duration on EFL Learners’ Speaking Strategies Use(International Journal of Language Education)
  10. Collaboration of Parents and EFL Teachers to Enhance Children’s Motivation towards Reading Skills: Focus to 1st Cycle of Primary Schools in Jimma Zone (IJSBAR)
  11. Exploration of factors impeding teacher education college students’ speaking skills: The case of Jimma teachers college in Ethiopia(JLC)
  12. Vocabulary knowledge (VBK) and metacognitive strategy (MCS): teachers’ and students’ awareness about their roles in developing reading comprehension skills development: the case of preparatory schools in South Western Oromia Region, Ethiopia (NAWA).
  13. Effective Listening: Teachers’ and Students’ Awareness about Its Roles in Academic Achievement (IJSBAR)
  14. 2nd Cycle Primary School EFL Teachers’ Use of Reading Strategies to Develop Their Students’ Reading Skills: The Case of Jimma and Ilu Abba Bora Zones of Oromia National Regional State(IJSBAR)
  15. The Practices of Continuous Assessment by EFL Instructors- Publisher: VDM Verlag DR. Muller (July 8, 2011) ISBN -10: 3639365526, ISBN-13: 978-3639365528


Phone: +2519111769560

Email: haaraandagne2004@gmail.com dagne.tiruneh@ju.edu.et