Community Based Education and Partnership
1. Duties and Responsibilities of Community Based Education (CBE) and Partnership Coordinating Office
Community Based Education and Partnership (CBE) coordinating office is one of the coordinating offices in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities of Jimma University that predominantly works in linking the university with the community. Community Based Education (CBE) is the philosophy of Jimma University. CBE is a means of achieving educational relevance to the community needs. To achieve its objectives, it impalements a community oriented educational programs which consist of learning activities that uses the community extensively as a learning environment, in which not only students but also teachers, members of the community and representatives of other sectors and stakeholders are actively involved throughout the educational experience. To this end, the core philosophy of Jimma University encompasses:
- Community based and problem-oriented education
- Multi-disciplinary training research
- Integrating training and research
2. Objectives of Community Based Education in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities
The objectives of Community Based Education of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities are directly emanated from the objectives of CBE of Jimma University. Accordingly, the under listed objectives are the general and specific objectives of Community Based Education in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities:
2.1. General Objectives
- Produce competent professionals who are responsive to the felt needs of the community through development approach and contribute to improve the livelihood of society by involving the community and stakeholders in community development.
- Produce professionals who are socially accountable and ensure lifelong learning in the community through integrating training , research and serves in the community
2.2. Specific Objectives
- Redirect the learning approach to focus on population, groups and individuals, taking into account the development needs of the community involved
- Train competent professionals who are responsive to the felt needs of the society
- Demonstrate social accountability by initiating or participating in training, research and services at local, national and international levels
- Produce new professionals who are responsive to the development needs of society
- Empower the community to address its development needs within the local resources.
- Work with government and non-government organizations to improve the livelihood of the community through a people-centered approach
- Promote development through a multi-disciplinary team approach
- Conduct community-based research to solve societal problems.
3. Strategies of CBE & Partnership Coordinating Office of the College of Social Sciences and Humanties
The strategies of CBE & partnership coordinating office of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities stem from the strategy of the CBE of Jimma University. The CBE & partnership coordinating office the College of Social Sciences and Humanities operates having three strategies which are expected to take 20% of time allotted for the overall curricula. These strategies are the following:
- Community Based Education Program (CBTP)
- Development Team Training Program (DTTP)
- Community Based Student’s Research Program (SRP)
Though it is young as compared to other college such as college of Public Health and Medical Sciences, which have gone a head in CBE, there are commendable activities performed by our college through DTTP, CBTP and SRP.
Contact Address
College of Social Sciences and Humanities
Community Based Education and Partnership Coordinating Office
Contact Person: Alemayehu Negash Djibiti (PhD)
Email address:
Tel: 0922535209
P.O.BOX 378
Jimma University, Ethiopia